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    Artist description
    We are here to observe all of the existing elements of popular songwriting as we know it today and do whatever possible to achieve the direct opposite. In the world of Iced Ink, Ricki Martin = Rikki Lake. Emotional flavor varies depending on the song: pseudo-surf, noise, moody, funny, happy, sad, dark, black, jazz, thrash, punk, rock, latin, pancake, waltz, something-or-other. You be the judge.
    Music Style
    There are 3 kinds of music in this world: good, bad, and the other kind.
    Musical Influences
    Mr. Bungle, Joe Satriani, DEVO, Danny Elfman, King Crimson, Faith No More, Weird Al, RUSH, Fantomas, Steve Stevens, Melvins, Steve Vai, Frank Zappa, Pre-1982 KISS, Primus, Paul Simon, Dillinger Escape Plan, King's X, YES, Link Wray, Ramones, Barry Manilow, and everything else that is good
    Similar Artists
    Mr. Bungle - Melvins - Fantomas - Mr. Rogers - Emo Phillips - Godzilla
    Artist History
    The absorption of too many reverb, distortion, wah, and flanger-saturated pointy guitar metallica interpretations while shopping at any local guitar retailer can do tremendous and long-term damage to one's musical psyche. The delightful buffet of mood swings provided here are the result of a poor, defenseless musician's overexposure to such toxins and his mad-scientist race to find a cure. This is how our story begins. Make the neighbors wonder: play this loud. Please share it with friends, family... even the dog. Get confused.
    Group Members media you hear here: mike k. - stringed things, drum typewriter programming. »»»Current studio lineup: joe berkman - 6 and 4 string low-end frequencies. mike k. - guitar. vomitgod - drums. Scara - percussion, elk toenails.
    Not a single glockenspiel (yet.) Damn!
    Air Supply's Greatest Hits
    Press Reviews
    "The musiq zounds like someone on drugs wrote it - are you on drugs?" - Vomitgod. "I've heard a lot of music in my time, and now I can honestly say I've heard this, too." - Ben, lead fast food assembly associate. "An amazing 10 out of 10 people prefer Iced Ink music over having their eyes gouged out with rusty forks!" - Fluffy "Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak." - the Dude
    Additional Info
    Email for a $10 disc crammed with demos!
    Minneapplesauce, MN - USA

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