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    Artist description
    From Cornwall,U.K., comes one of the most extraordinary groups of the modern Folk scene...the "Daft Monkeys". With the combination of acoustic 12-string guitar,violin, vocals, whistle and foot drums, the Daft Monkeys invite you into the esoteric, passionate and powerful world of their music. Tim Ashton skillfully combines vocal melodies with diverse guitar riffs and foot drum beats, and over this the fiddle playing of Athene Roberts dances and swirls in perfect harmony. Daft Monkeys have succeeded in using influences from all over the world to create their unique style, guaranteed to warm your hearts and get your feet stomping! With a past history in bands such as Lordryk, Moondragon and Headmix Collective, they show elements of their Dance, Punk, Ska and Dub Reggae backgrounds with an obvious love of World Folk, in their set of totally original material. Recently the Daft Monkeys have been accompanied live on stage by Jamie Waters, whose quirky Bass style adds yet another dimension to their music giving the full spectrum of string sounds. Their charismatic and colourful live performance has been proved on tours all over Europe in venues in Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, and, of course, England. They have also had great success at festivals such as Glastonbury, Strawberry Fayre and Peterborough Folk Festival, England; Folk Segovia, Spain; Lorient Interceltic and Carhaix, France and Kevelaer World Music Festival, Germany. Their premier C.D. "Brouhaha " was enthusiastically received last year, and their next album " Ooomim" should be ready for launch at the beginning of March, 2002. Grab a chance to see them when you can.... DO THE FUNKY GIBBON !!! In German: Aus Cornwall,UK stammt eines der außergewöhnlichsten Duos der modernen Folkscene – The DAFT MONKEYS. Im Jahre 1999 aus der Asche der Psychodelic-Folk-Punk Band LORDRYK geformt, ist es Tim Ashton und Athene Roberts in ihrer eigenwilligen Musik gelungen, Melodien aus aller Welt in kraftvolle moderne Arrangements einzubetten. Das Zusammenspiel von Akustikgitarre und Violine sowie weiteren Instrumenten entführt in eine esoterische, leidenschaftliche, energiegeladene Welt der Musik. Ihre charismatische Live-Performance stellten sie schon europaweit unter Beweis – unter anderem als Vorband der LEVELLERS. Im vergangenem Jahr tourten sie durch die Bretagne, durch Gallizien, Belgien, den Niederlanden und spielten auf namhaften Festivals wie dem Glastonbury Festival, UK und dem Folk Segovia in Spanien. Letztgenannter Auftritt wurde vom Spanischen TV übertragen. Im August letzten Jahres waren die DAFT MONKEYS erstmals in Deutschland auf dem Kevelaer Worldmusikfestival 2000 zu sehen und stellten dort ihre CD BROUHAHA vor.
    Music Style
    World influenced Folk with a hint of the bizarre
    Artist History
    Tim.....ex-Moondragon, Lordryk, The Is Athene...ex-Moondragon, Lordryk, Headmix Collective Jamie....ex-Uncle Norbert, Ramshaka Dabble
    Group Members
    Tim Ashton: Lead Vocals, 12- String Guitar und Penny Whistle Athene Roberts: Violin, Recorder und Backing Vocals Jamie Waters: Bass Guitar
    12- String Guitar, Violin, Penny Whistle, Recorder, Bass Guitar, Bass Drum
    Brouhaha 2001, Ooomim 2002
    Falmouth, Cornwall - United Kingdom

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