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    Music Style
    Heavy melodic metal with a progressive flavor.
    Musical Influences
    Dream Theater, Symphony X, Vanden Plas, Kamelot, Megadeth, Evergrey, Nevermore and Fates Warning
    Similar Artists
    Vanishment from time to time gets a Dream Theater - Queensryche comparison.
    Artist History
    Vanishment was established officially in early 2001. They released their first four song EP, "Never Knowing Why" before the end of the year and are already writing and preparing for a full release.  The "Never Knowing Why" EP features four blistering progressive metal tracks. "Revealer of Secrets" is the disc opener and starts with an eerie almost gothic intro that pounds into a straight metal groove complete with double kicks and crunchy guitar riffing. A melodic chorus and short solos from guitarist DiOrio and Keyboardist "Fritz" suggest more interest in song writing than in shredding. Next up if the slower paced, "Fallen Rain". The progressive tendencies become more obvious with more time signature changes and a darker feeling, "Fallen Rain" ends with some very heavy riffing. The disc's instrumental is called "Strife" and is a short roller coaster ride with bits of prog metal and neo classical bits mixed in. The disc closer is "Thin Ice" which is lyrically and musically the most complex and ties the songs themes together. The more hardcore progressive fans will find "Thin Ice" the most appealing of the four tracks, which pays homage to prog metal forefathers like Dream Theater and Fates Warning, but always with a refreshing melodic approach to their progressive songwriting.
    Group Members
    Dave: Guitars --- Fritz: Keys, Vocals --- Corey: Bass --- Art: Drums ---
    Vanishment plays guitars, keyboards, drums, vocals and bass. We'd be happy to endorse your product here, too. =)
    Never Knowing Why
    Press Reviews
    " Quite tasty really. The band rates high for songwriting and talent.." - KIRA'S KORNER: EUPHONY MAG --- "The song Strife is some tasty shred-instrumental, showcasing some impressive guitar work." - Dave Taylor: VIRTUOSITY --- "are pretty impressive prog/metal tunes that will appeal to the Dream Theater/Queensryche crowd. A lot of the overall vibe recalls DT, but the songs aren't excessively long and all over the map..." Tim Wadzinski: DETRITUS
    Las Vegas, Nevada - USA

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