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    Artist description
    Yeah Baby!! GET ANIMAL!The ballsiest band to ever spit blood on a microphone.A guitarists wet dream. Look for the new album Get Animal Number Two with Verne Troyer on the cover!
    Music Style
    High Energy Rock 'n' Roll Bulls**t GUITAR SOLO Cockrock with Melodic hooky punk rock songs
    Musical Influences
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    Artist History
    Formed in 1998 GET ANIMAL debuted July 1st 1998 at Forest Hills Stadium in Queens New York opening for Japanese supergroup the Alfee who flew in 10,000 rock fans from Japan. The polite Japanese audience of screaming teenage girls were in shock by the blood and fire display of decadence and vulgarity that preceeded the Beatles of the Far East. After touring the west coast of America supporting Chumbawamba and shocking the year short of puberty crowd, Get Animal thought it was funny, so they decided to go into a studio and the end result was Get Animal's debut album on SPV records in Germany. The band then toured Europe supporting the heavy metal group W.A.S.P. as well as playing some of the big open air festivals with Motorhead and Metallica. They received rave reviews across the continent on the debut album and the live performances (except in England who rated the debut album Get Animal as the worst record in the history of the Gramaphone). Get Animal toured Europe relentlessly, and guitarist Pink Gibson eventually won over the English press. After a bloody burning show at Camden Barfly in London on Sept 5 1999, certain jouralists apologized for slighting the band by saying, "I get it now, I get the joke, I can't wait for the next album." Pink took that as a good sign and worked on new songs while on tour in Spain in November 1999.Disaster struck on tour in Madrid as Pink's guitar was attacked by a dog who jumped inside of Get Animal's equipment van and dragged the guitar into the street and broke in two pieces. (This is TRUE!!) The band decided to stop touring and return to New York and record the next album. They recorded 14 songs in 3 days and Pink flew off to Hawaii for 3 weeks to mix. After careful deliberation the band has chosen the unique and obvious album title: GET ANIMAL Number 2
    Group Members
    PINK GIBSON: Guitars/VocalsK.K. McKAY: Bass CONSI SPICE: Drums/BV
    GUITAR!!! Bass and Drums
    Press Reviews
    "Blissfully unaware that Kurt Cobain ever existed.""Funnier than Spinal Tap. Unbelievable!"KERRANG! MAGAZINE England"Late '70's riot Rock and mid '80's LA Anti Ozone-Layer Glam Punk, the twelve songs (on GET ANIMAL's debut album) are shot out like hell. A big credit goes to Pink Gibson's monstrous guitar work. Another such good example in reconciling passion for noise with technib\cal finesse can hardly be found.""After listening to GET ANIMAL, those taht are still gloomily waiting for the end of the world from Nostradomus can not be right in the head."ROCKHARD MAGAZINE Germany"Playing rock 'n' roll and sleazy boogie as if it was about the next ten years consumption of beer. It is an album which inspires you to play air guitar until there are no whole bottles left in your pad.""This kind of music is something that will make you turn up the volume and after a few seconds you will be hanging out the window yelling'GET YOURSELF A LIFE' to fearsome passers-by on the street.""It's one of the best albums of it's kind in ages."BT COPENHAGEN NEWSPAPER Denmark"GET ANIMAL are going to be the next big thing. This New York band are awesome and put pure rock 'n' roll energy into thier music that has not been heard since the gunner's first album.""This record deserves to be huge, just because they've got the balls to do what a lot of other bands wouldn't dare to even think about doing."SOUND BARRIER MAGAZINE England
    New York, NY - USA

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