Artist description
Art driven, post-gothic experimental musical renderings. |
Music Style
Tourchered and broken Gothic Renderings |
Musical Influences
Radio, TV, and Video |
Similar Artists
Sisters of Mercy, Christian Death, N'Sync, Skinny Puppy, Bauhaus, Dido, INKUBUS |
Artist History
Born in the 70's
Raised in the 80's
Nihilistic in the 90's
Annoyed in the 00's |
Group Members
The unknown minions of pain. |
Computers, and nature. |
Your Love Is Swill, Thick Black Angst |
Press Reviews
"Son, you need to get a job. This music thing isn't going to work. Something that you might be good at. Why don't you wear some nice clothes? Why do you always have to wear black?" - Mother. |
Additional Info
None yet. Maybe a sticker or some other useless token. What does it take to make you like me? |
Beverly Hills, CA - USA |
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