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    Music Style
    Christian Rock and Roll
    Artist History
    In the year 1998, something wonderful happened. It wasn't the titanic movie, it wasn't the "boy band" explosion, (but that was a great experience) and it sure wasn't the movie "Dirty Dancing." (That came out WAY before 1998). Something far greater happened. Something bigger than all of us. I can see all of you now, sweaty with anticipation. You're dying to know the secret. Many of you are thinking "Is it hot dogs with the cheese already inside?"(no, but those are wonderful, and good thinking) or "What if the boy bands sang all the songs from "Dirty Dancing", wouldn't that be great?" And to you I say "Yes", that would be great, but lets get to the point. Yes folks, everyone's favorite christian rock and roll band came flying into your otherwise interesting, but strangely "rock and roll-less" lives. They have given us all a reason to jump and yell a lot, the idea that hot dogs with cheese already inside are a great breakfast, and most importantly, the try to give us all the will to worship our God in the manner which they do; with their all. Here's a brief history of the band. I hope you enjoy it. A young man sits solemnly in a classroom, thinking of his guitar. A few miles away another teenager yearns to be singing, he dreams of the stage. Kinda somewhere in between the first two another guy taps his foot noisily, attention deficit disorder runs through his bones. And somewhere else another guy sleeps. Its 4:00 in the afternoon. Soon,the last guy will awake for breakfast. But when he finally wakes on this fateful day, something will be different. He gets paid today.The other three rejoice, for on this day the cash means something special, the dawning of a new day, a day where a bass player owns a bass. The next day the A.D.D. kid pulls his dads drums out of the closet and the bass virtuoso drags his "axe" out. The first guy comes home from school and plugs in his guitar, while the second guy warms up his beautiful tenor voice. No words are spoken. Understanding glances are shared, then simultaneously all four members of this ragtag group launched into such classics as "Friends Instead" and "Jesus plays our bass drum." Within hours, practice was over. Not much happened for a while after that. They then grew tired of their own laziness and decided to at least get to know each other by better names than "The first guy" or "the A.D.D.kid". They met up for an informal "meet and greet" and learned each others names. Their names are (in no specific order other than the order I mentioned them previously) Doug Booth -guitars, background vocals, and mouth harps; Cory Martin - drums and pointless statements; Atom Blue - bass and kazoo; and Justin Cooper - vocals, jean jackets, and nice shoes. As soon as our heroes realized that they got along and actually kind of liked each other, the madness commenced. "Footrace," as they came to be known, began to play shows relentlessly. Day and night, night and day, evening and morning, mid-afternoon and tea time, dusk till dawn, dawn till dusk, and every time in between, they played. After about a week or so they informally decided to take an indefinite hiatus. This lasted about six months until they decided "hey, we only have 10 or so songs, and we never even see each other, much less play together, lets record an album!" and so a year to the day of their first show,"Burning the Bridge" was officially released to a sold out crowd at the frontline youth room in Coweta, Oklahoma. Within hours our boys were triple platinum and booked on a national tour. (Seriously though, they did sell 60 or 70 cd's, and they do play arkansas a lot!) Over the next year or so Footrace played many shows in many cities to many people (and many of you) and ate many mini M&M's. They have played in such exotic locales as Arkansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Arkansas, Arkansas, and Florida. Soon, Footrace is coming to your state. Go outside and announce it loudly. In the last year Footrace has grown tremendously. They started to meet weekly with friend and youth minister Russell Roderick as an accountability group. Recently a fifth member was added to their lineup, Devin Hausam serves the well oiled machine known as footrace as road minister and all around great guy. Another change the boys are hoping to see is for all the adults in their churches to quit calling them "footloose." The guys realize that Cory's hair slightly resembles Kevin Bacons hair in the above named movie, but they are in no way connected. Footrace hopes that through their music you become closer with the lord. Jesus died for you and if you don't know that after one of their shows, they have failed. I hope you all have enjoyed this little delve into the inner sanctions of our favorite cowboys minds and lives
    Group Members
    Justin Cooper, Doug Booth, Cory Martin, Jake Booth
    Guitar, Bass, Drums
    Burning the Bridge, When There Were No Shadows
    Coweta, OK - USA

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