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    Artist description
    "Oakmans Dreamland" are a one mans solo project, (my first solo project to be exact). Oakman is my after name, but it originaly don't sound so nice in English. My real after name is "Ekman" and that is Oakman in English, if you do an exact translation from Swedish. And "Dreamland" was just a good name for what my music stands for. "Oakmans Dreamland" is a music project inspirated by the ancient wonders of the world, the universe, the human life through ages, forgotten civilizations, lost continents, mystic artifacts, fantasy, sci-fi, myths, legends & mysteries of the earth. But there is also elements of other things, but always with some kind of mystery involved. "Oakmans Dreamland" was something i invented back in 1989, even before that i know, that i some day would play any instruments. It was back then i invented some track titles & dreamed of making my own music. I remember that i used to sit on cafés in Stockholm city back in 1989-92 & dream about making my own music, and in 1991 i started to learn guitar, but in 1993 i started to play guitar on an evening class, on "Kulturama" in Stockholm. But later i become tired of my guitar, so i started to play keyboard instead. And so one day back in 1999 i joined my inner forces and instruments to record the first album. And in 2000 it was finished. After the first album, i wanted to experiment with other music styles, so i started two new solo projects, "Deep Sleep Society" & "The Space Navigator", both with other music styles. And that is what i have been up to between the first & the latest "Oakmans Dreamland" albums. And that is the story so far...
    Music Style
    Powerful Instrumental, Fantasy inspirated New Age with Ambient, Progressive Electronic, Ethereal, Bittersweet, Hypnotic, Calm & Peaceful tunes with a powerful Chathedral Atmosphere. There are also elements of gothic rock tunes involved.
    Musical Influences
    Some of them are; Gandalf, Mike Oldfield, Vangelis, Lake Of Tears, The Mission, Lycia, Estraya & Tangerine Dream
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    Artist History
    This project was something i started in october 1999. I had this project on-line in 2000 & 2001, but i took it down after just some months because i didn't wanted to go on with it at that time, but i have change my mind, and now 2 years later i am back with a new album called "The Mystery Of The Pyramids". I also got two other solo projects here on, "Deep Sleep Society" and "The Space Navigator".
    Group Members
    Tomas Ekman
    HARDWARE: Electric Guitar (Academy) & Aucustic Guitar (Samick), Bass, Ensoniq Mirage Keyboard, MIDI Keyboard, Xpert Siemens Computer with Soundblaster 128 PCI Soundcard, AKG Acoustics D70 Microphone, Peavey Rage 158 Amplifier - SOFTWARE: Cubase VST24, Cool Edit, Wave Lab, Acid, Pro-Tools.
    1. The Lochness Enigma (2000) - 2. The Mystery Of The Pyramids (2002) - 3. Lost Tales (2003)
    Press Reviews
    This is almost a near religious feeling with a chathedral power. "DTK 2001". / You may like to download some tunes. "The Unofficial MP3.chart"
    Stockholm, Green Valley - Sweden

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