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    Artist description
    Dark, Heavy, Industrial Metal, combined with beautiful film score style music. Samuel Holland plays all the instruments you hear, including guitar, bass, drums and percussion, keyboards, mandolin, yuet chin, and all voices. Choirs where made by Samuel recording each part of the choir, one by one, for up to 40 layers. Samuel has composed several film soundtracks, and is currently studying music composition at Asbury College, which has one of the top schools for music composition in the country. Almost all students awards for music composition in the state of Kentucky go to Asbury composers. Samuel has been playing guitar for 12 years, studying every style imaginable, from metal to jazz, flamenco, classical, funk, and anything in between. He is a highly successful guitar teacher, teaching over 400 people to play guitar in his six years of teaching private instructions. His unique guitar style comes in part from playing virtuistic violin music on the guitar. He sang with Tampa Bay Opera, and has sung in many choirs and chamber choirs. He has played with various bands in central Florida, but now prefers to play solo, in the studio, for complete creative flexibility. Eventually, Samuel plans to perform his music live, but not right now, mostly for technical reasons and the sheer difficulty this would entail. He is 25.
    Music Style
    Metal, Industrial, Progressive Rock
    Musical Influences
    Dream Theater, Bach, Verdi, Pable de Sarasate, Pink Floyd, Queen, Kansas, Opera, Classical, Old Metallica, Jethro Tull
    Similar Artists
    Saviour Machine, Pink Floyd, Type O Negative, Danny Elfman, Over The Rhine, NIN, Dream Theater
    Artist History
    Samuel has been playing guitar and composing since he was 12, which was in 1989. He has written several operas and over 1500 songs.
    Group Members
    Samuel - All instruments and vocals.
    Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Percussion, Keyboards, Organ, Mandolin, Yuet Chin, and Sitar.
    Weather Mind
    Press Reviews
    "Some guy named Tim once said that my music sounds like easy listening. Will someone please give him a Q-Tip? Someone else told me it sounds demonic. Uhm... my lyrics are all Christian. I don't quite understand how it could be demonic."
    Brandon, Florida - USA

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