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    Artist description
    Christal presently is the President and CEO of her own entertainment company, CHRISTAL ENTERTAINMENT COMMUNICATIONS, INC. in Columbus, Ohio. She is a composer and song writer. She has presently finished her first jazz CD, which will feature her title song, "Time Alone With Me," produced by Ken Henderson. Christal is also working with artist such as Derrick Brooks and Barron Bane on her gospel and rap projects. She has also recorded with her brother Marcus Gresham on their group album "Living Water," and is presently working with him on another gospel CD. Christal is a trained ballroom dancer. She recently auditioned in Cincinnati, Ohio for the up and coming sitcom, "Urban Blend," where she will play the role of a night club singer. That sitcom will be piloted from the Cincinnati area. You can hear Christal in the city of Columbus, Ohio on the second and third Friday of each month at Jazzy J's North with Mr. Ken Henderson. She also sings with the group X-CLUSIVE in the Columbus area.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Anita Baker | Angela Bouyfield | Vesta Williams | Ella Fitzgerald
    Artist History
    Christal is the middle child of five children. She was born to Irvin R. Gresham Sr. & Mary Ann Wise Greshamon June 1, 1963 in Vallejo, California. Being the child of military sergeant, her life was spent living across Europe and America. She is the mother of three children, Tony Jr., Junte and Shavanna, she is also the foster mother of three teenage girls. Christal began her professional singing and dancing career with the "Show Stoppers," a John Kanley Production in Columbus, Ohio in 1981. That same summer she auditioned for Cedar Point Amusement Park, in Sandusky, Ohio for their top show, "America Sings." She was a lead dancer and vocalist in the show, which began to move her on to bigger things. In the following months to come, Christal was featured in the NCO, and Officers club at Langley Air Force Base in Newport News, Virginia. Christal has performed with the Starlight Theater in San Diego, California in plays such as, Show Boat, Anthing Goes, Forty Second Street, and many more. Christal began ballet training at the Angela School of Dance in Alamagrado, New Mexico when she was five years old. She continued her studies while growing up in Trier Germany. Her interest in singing came her sophomore year in high school. She auditioned and was excepted to Fort Hayes School of the Performing Arts, Columbus, Ohio in 1980, under the direction of Jack Gibbs. On graduating from Fort Hayes she was awarded "Most Outstanding Soloist," of 1981. She then continued her training with vocal coach Re Marie Swartz. She was excepted into the Ohio State University's School of Dance. Later she transferred to Elizabeth City State University, in North Carolina where she decided to change her major to voice. Christal loves to cook, read, be a mother, and do spiritual dance. Her goals for the future are to have a production company in the memory of her late mother Mary Ann Wise Gresham that will introduce and develop young talent.
    Group Members
    Christal Gresham | Ken Henderson
    Time Alone With Me
    Columbus, Ohio - USA

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