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    Artist description
    Brian Bice received his Bachelor of Arts in Music from California State University, Hayward in June 1999. While at CSU Hayward, Brian studied composition with Jeffery Miller (1997-99). His senior composition, "Homage," was premiered on February 23, 1999, by the CSU Hayward Wind Ensemble II conducted by Timothy M. Smith. This piece is in the memory of his father, Thomas Gordon Bice, Jr. After graduation he studied composition for one year as a Master's student at CSU Hayward with Frank LaRocca (1999-2000). On June 4, 2000 Brian gave a recital at CSU Hayward where five of his works were performed, three of which were world premieres. Among the premieres was "Three Miniatures" for five tubas, performed by the CSU Hayward Tuba Ensemble under Craig Knox. In August 2000 Brian transferred to Bowling Green State University to continue his graduate work. There he has studied with Burton Beerman and Marilyn Shrude and completed a solo piano work, a piece for wind quartet, and the third movement of Concerto for Bass Trombone and Orchestra. Currently Brian is developing a way to encode baseball statistics into music. "Play Ball!" for two saxophones is his first venture in this technique. In the Fall of 2000 Brian, along with three other composers, wrote incidental music for the Aphra Behn play "Emperor of the Moon," produced by the BGSU Theatre department. The BGSU Trombone Choir performed Brian's trombone quartet "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" on December 7, 2000. On March 4, 2001, the Stanford University Wind Ensemble, conducted by Giancarlo Aquilanti performed Brian's "Homage." His second vocal song, "Lines Inscribed Upon a Cup Formed from a Skull," won the Thirteenth Annual University of Toledo Young Composers Contest in April 2001. The third movement of Brian's Concerto for Bass Trombone and Orchestra was premiered by the Cleveland Chamber Symphony with Jeff Kurka, bass trombone, on April 26, 2001.
    Press Reviews
    "The music composed by four student composers -- Brian Bice, Gabriel Costanzo, Luke D. Rosen and Robert Samels -- highlights this quality. The score sounds at once authentically antique, yet has a modernist sheen, including occasional echoes of Philip Glass." - David Dupont, Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune 12/1/00. Review on the music from the play "Emperor of the Moon."
    San Lorenzo, CA - USA

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