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    Artist description
    New innovative popmusic readymade for tomorrow!
    Music Style
    pop (straight to avantgarde...)
    Musical Influences
    Oh, from year zero undtil tomorrow - every stile - everybody (probably you?!?)
    Similar Artists
    The newspapers and journalists says: Was (Not Was), Pet Shop Boys, Eurythmics, Yello, Abba?, Massive Attack?...& much more from the 60 but especially 80īs bands
    Artist History
    Original from Copenhagen / Denmark - since 1983, read about it on!Really itīs to long, but remember, we wanted allways to be innovative and in every way surprising.Thats one reason why Radi8īs liveperformances often extended to mega multiculturel events, rather then ordenary popconcerts.The band has and will allways function as an more or less open forum, that is to inshure that Radi8 allways will be upfront, allways new, allways innovative allways...Thatīs one reason for the following extendet memberlist. We are sorry not to give credits to all, who have contributet to Radi8, but of course: You are not forgotten - Thanks!
    Group Members
    Through time: Rolli, Klaus Hornbaek, Pehr Moeller, Else Gu, Arendse Gudmann-Hoeyer, Martin Bregnhoi, Tina Randa, Lone Skovgaard, Gordon Inc., Lars Bjerre, Bo Laursen, Katja Zai, Alexandra Wind, Marianne Melskens, Roxanna, Fingers, Helene, Odienne, Quiregirl, Sune Reitzel, Tine Schlichting, Coralie, Rif, London, Peter Suvalski, CCRyder on musicproduction, Ann Susan on banddesign & of course last, but not least Lene Klit for photos and artwork (she is great, check her out!).
    Sampler, Bass, Guitar, Percussion and last not least lead & backing vocals.
    Head, Eye Cue, Shaman, Interview, A Taste Of Red, Terminator Ted, The Filthy Few Power Gang, K (not key)!, The Magnificent 7, Secrets 5, RockīN Europe, Preproduction, Injection, All You Need
    Press Reviews
    On the album Secrets 5 we get a big surprise. Out of the ashes of the great multimedia monster Terminator Ted rises the beautifull pop-phoenix Radi8 presenting there first five songs. In one hand very different - very popish with a more straight forward sound - yet still very innovative with many strange ideas and multietnic soundscapes. The best example is I Wonder with its great lyrics and hookline, but also including soundscapes iīve never heard before... Belief is a alternative hip hop symphony with this everchanging hookline, rap, banjo, sitar, japanese koto... - Is this a harmonic popsong, possible and a hit? - YES!... This where excerpts of two reviews, there are tons more - mostly from Denmark and the rest of Europe.
    Additional Info
    We want also to here from YOU! Every critics are welcome! Please take the time, listen to the songs and write. (The best comment wins 10000000$ and we will pay you this humble amound the first of august 2543!?)
    Copenhagen, Copenhagen - Denmark

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