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In The

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    Artist description
    Music Style
    technical, fast tempos, odd-time, off-beats, thrash metal
    Musical Influences
    pantera, metallica, anthrax, megadeth, fear factory, meshuggna, sepultura, dream theater
    Similar Artists
    living sacrefice
    Artist History
    I have been playing drums for over 8 years, guitar for 5 years, bass for 1.5 years, and I have been singing off and on for several years. I played in a highschool band called P.G.V. then went to my first solo project in college recording onto a 4-track, then went to playing with local mesa band 454 (hardcore, heavy metal), and I am also playing full time drummer at First Southern Baptist Church in Mesa.
    Group Members
    Hello, this is my short life story. I grew up living in a Christian family. My parents divorced when I was in the first grade (probably 6 years old) so me and my brother had to go back and forth living with my Mom or Dad. My brother was a big influence on me when I was growing up. If he did something that he thought was cool then I would follow in his tracks. He was a pretty bad influence because he mostly got into trouble. That is how I found out about heavy metal. It kind of made me who I am (like most experiences in life) But I soon learned that not everything my brother did was cool. He got kicked out of the house at 17 and I had the place to myself. I did learn from his mistakes though. I could have got into way more trouble than I did, but I think God played a big part in that. I was basicly a good kid in Jr. High and High School. I got good grades (because my motivation was reward money), had a few good friends, and skated all the time. I usually went to Sunday School on Sunday morning, but not to the afternoon service. I thought it was too boring. Otherwise I didn't participate too much with my church. I learned alot from my youth Minister Ken. He was a great speaker and influenced me to stay out of trouble. All the time my bible was buried in my closet. Then I went to college... My first lesson was that "Girls are trouble." I got into some relationships for the wrong reasons. I basicly made a bad example of a christian life style. My sophmore year in college I rededicated myself to God because he showed me what my life was lacking: Discipline, Prayer, Fellowship, The correct use of my talents. God showed me different ways to use my artistic, musical, and physical talents to glorify him. I began to draw beautiful Catholic cathedrals instead of bloodied skulls. I began to glorify God through my music by writing song that woship Him instead of political or useless lyrics. I also went to the skatepark in Flagstaff with my friend Mike to sell drinks and hand out bibles instead of just skating for sport. God changed my life. He has helped me to recognize my sin and how to avoid more temptations. I still have struggles and trials, but now I know that I am forgiven and that I will survive if I put my faith in God.
    Collarlock 8-piece set, jackson stealth lefthand, fender strat lefthand, and Ibenez bass lefthand
    4-track demo, In The Red 2000 self-titled, So and So/In The Red (paralysis in analysis
    Additional Info
    MC cracken - techno / hip-hop / industrial instrumentals
    mesa, arizona - USA

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