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    Artist description
    SCURGE® is the longstanding artistic partnership of Looch, and Greg McLaughlin. Looch is an “out of control” control freak, and Greg is an uncontrollable freak. Together, they have performed and recorded under a variety of band names, to include: Velva Scurge, and The Front. Throughout their musical careers they have opened for a myriad of National and International Headliners, including (to name a few); XTC, Bow Wow Wow, Ultra Box, The Psychedelic Furs, and U2. SCURGE’s debut release HUMANOT (under the Whateverway Productions label), is a co-written culmination, derived from years of, performance experience, musical artistry, and observance of the human condition. SCURGE emerges from a pool of Poptronic nuances focusing heavily on pop melodies and unique concepts. Greg and Looch draw from a variety of genres from the 1960’s to the future. HUMANOT, while adhering to non-classical rules and theories of musical arrangement, is a fluid and cohesive convergence of cross genre creativity. SCURGE’s innate gravitation to originality and honesty in musical composition, lyrical creation, and sound design, dictates that they create while in a self-imposed state of current musical genre, trend, and fad deprivation. As a result, this debut release is a diverse playground for the human auditory system that will overwhelm you with originality, while comforting you with an - “I can’t quite put my finger on it” - familiarity. Looch is a seasoned musician and programmer, as well as a master of the latest sound design and production technologies. Greg McLaughlin, SCURGE’s lead vocalist, is a self-taught musician who plays bass, guitar, and keyboards. Other notable artists who have made musical and vocal contributions to HUMANOT are: Aaron Fishbein – A renowned guitarist and songwriter who has co-written, and recorded with DMX, Enrique Eglasias, Christina Aguilera, Pink, and Biance. Dave Cabrera – A prominent guitarist, who has been the Musical Director for K.C. and The Sunshine Band, Tour Guitarist for Ricky Martin, and Studio Guitarist for Craig David. Lenard Rutledge – Lead vocalist for the Melton Mustafa Orchestra. Juliet Maisha – An accomplished Operatic Vocalist. Henk Milne – Lyricist, vocalist, and guitarist for the Irish folk band The Volunteers.
    Music Style
    Electroclash (Poptronic)
    Musical Influences
    Beatles, Talking Heads, Radiohead, Doors
    Similar Artists
    SCURGE - There is no other
    Group Members
    Looch, Greg McLaughlin
    Keyboards,Computers and those string things
    Hollywood, FL - USA

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