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    Artist description
    grassroots rock mixed with a soft emo sound. grandma will really like it! most likely, just me and my guitar if you ever see me live. but then again, most likely, you'll never see my live. most likely, on my album i'll play every instrument but have a few friends accompany me, but then again, most likely, i'll never cut an album.
    Music Style
    grassroots folk with a rock flare - lots of emo feel
    Musical Influences
    tom petty, lyle lovett, elliot smith, hum, bob dylan, indigo girls,grateful dead, johnny cash, bill malonee & VOL, pedro the lion, frodus, the jazz june, less than jake, stevie wonder, tony williams, ben folds five, led zeppelin, keith groover, hopesfall, microscopic, kevn kinney
    Similar Artists
    tom petty vs pedro the lion vs kevn kinney
    Artist History
    i grew up listening mostly to young mc, run dmc, the beastie boys, and guns 'n roses. i started playing drums on my leg in the fourth grade with some black guys in statesville, nc waiting for our bus in the afternoons. i had natural rhythm and started playing actual drums in the fifth grade. i kept playing hip-hop and heavy rock until the seventh grade when i moved to greenville, sc. i there started listening to led zeppelin and was forever hooked on bonham. two of my good buddies(josh wolter of microscopic and sean hennessey of, well, he's a skydiver, haha) and i created what will forever be remembered as "drumfest!" i picked up the guitar in later days and just recently the banjo. lifelong friend jason sox started me on the guitar and he and i played for several years together. we mostly played covers of metallica, led zeppelin(our bread and butter), ac/dc, and hendrix. we played emo sounding eminor music before we ever heard of emo. ha ha we were kids in rebellion and depression what can i say?!! after graduating high school, i attended montreat college where i hooked up with josh brigham of .hopesfall, takehold records, and he got me interested in hardcore and emo. i hated his music at first. he endured my phish and i endured his earth crisis. we played together a good bit, teaching other cheesy licks and dreaming of becoming rockstars! Well, story goes, he became a rockstar and i got the girl! haha Then a good friend of mine named vin farrel got me started on johnny cash and bob dylan. i was already an avid phish, widespread panic, and grateful dead fan. then i heard lyle lovett and it was all over for me. i had to start singing. pedro the lion, hum, the jazz june, and otis redding got me really pumped up for this album. so, if i sound too much like these guys, sorry (even though I could never sound like any of them)so, here i am today, a 22 year old college student at north greenville college in tigerville, sc majoring in journalsim and english. i'm getting married to a righteous fox, carla smith on january 5, 2002; i can't wait! if we ever meet, how about take me out to dinner...please! let the rocknrollplay!
    Group Members
    matthew carter - vocals, guitar, banjo, drums, bass, all other various noises, other than my tascam's dope sounding tape hiss, are also made by matthew carter or my house
    acoustic and electric guitars, drumset, various hand drums, orchestral percussion instruments, ethnic percussion instruments, banjo, bass, jaw harp, squeaky floor and chair, tape hiss, coughing, sniffling, breathing, talking, laughing, etc.
    i've got tons of albums, all kinds! you?
    Press Reviews
    my school news paper will publish anything. so, if i can just cut a tiny demo tape, they'll even play it on their radio station, not to mention a spot in the news paper.
    Greer, SC - USA

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