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Sharon Irene

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    Artist description
    Not considered a band nor performer, but have exp- erience with various musical platforms.
    Music Style
    Mixed, preferably Country
    Musical Influences
    Classically trained
    Artist History
    Classically trained pianist turned rebel country. At the age of 15 I was to go to Paris, France to the conservatory of music but I was literally terrified of going overseas at that age alone. So I rebelled. At age 25 I had an appointment for an audition with the Lawrence Welk representatives, but had to go do an emergency craniotomy on a self-inflicted gunshot head wound at the precise hour that Welk's repre- sentatives were expecting me. So I "lost" out on two great musical opportunities. Now I'm just waiting to see where songwriting is going to take me. Most of my initial songwriting was within the realm of inspirational. Since 1998, I've turned my poetry writing into lyrics; because one night as a "poem" was developing into my head, a melody came right along with it. It was a very devastating and personal piece of work, so it took two years before I could approach a more developed lyracist to help me tighten my lyrics up. I hung tough with the melody until it came time to do the demo and the demo producer told me that "waltz" rhythm was sure musical career death in country at this particular moment. So we rearranged the melody into a 4/4 time and came out with a fantastic country/pop crossover song. I then begin to rewrite a number of my lyrics and write melodies for them.
    piano, accordion, violin
    Fairview, Kansas - USA

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