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    Artist description
    dOInk is leading a double life (as do all the best superheroes) - by day, he hides his identity as mild-mannered Sam Powis. On arriving at his place of residence after a hard day's work, however, the real personality emerges - dOInk! Shaker of living room walls, funker of the flooboards, breaker of the beats, composer of the tunes, as yet unacclaimed by millions who love his music (but don't know it yet), he spends his evenings working on the latest attempt at cramming as much music into as little sequencer memory as possible. Spanning a wide range of electronic styles but never quite fitting into any particular pigeonhole, dOInk has a quirky individuality that definitely grows with repeated listening. A few of his tracks sounds very reminiscent of certain influential artists, while others are unlike anything yet heard by human ears. Currently working with only a Roland MC-303, dOInk tries to always push the limits of the instrument for sounds as far away from the presets as possible. Unfortunately, he is oftentimes defeated in this by the rather limited onboard editing tools. Anyway, enough of this waffle - have a listen to the music with compliments of the quirk-meister himself. Enjoy!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    d'n'b, techno, ambient, deep house, dirty french electro-funk :-), hip hop, etc, etc, etc...
    Similar Artists
    Orbital, u-ziq, french house artists!
    Artist History
    dOInk started life as a contributor to the MOD scene - songs made from samples triggered at different pitches in sequence. He produced varying qualities of material as he searched for his own sound, and were it not for the fact that most of the samples in his library are of terrible quality, he would probably still be working in this medium today. Two years ago, however, everything changed when he bought his first (and only) independent sound source and piece of MIDI kit - the renowned Roland MC-303. Since acquiring it, he has composed around 35 tracks on it. Some are no longer in existence, as they weren't up to snuff. The remainder will be released through this site as fast as they are recorded.
    Group Members
    dOInk (a.k.a Sam Powis)
    Roland MC-303, PC with Lexicon Core 2 soundcard (for recording)
    EP of 4 tracks is in the works
    Press Reviews
    none as yet
    Additional Info
    all of my old MODS will be going up on my website
    Piqua, OH - USA

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