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    Artist description
    AS is a band staright out of the heart of Burlington, mixing many styles into their music. Punk influenced with songs ranging from 3 chord rants to flowing instrumtals throwing all our experiences together. We try to mix it up and keep it innovative while still being a three piece. Trying new stuff while still ripping it up onstage.
    Music Style
    Heavily Influenced Punk
    Musical Influences
    We are influenced by everything we have ever heard at a show or listened to on a CD. Influences in particular are New Found Glory, Bigwig, NOFX, Green Day, 311, Bush, Primus, Beatles, Tool, AFI, Any local band that has ever turned shit up onstage, I know im forgetting too many, basically everything.
    Similar Artists
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    Artist History
    Formed a way back when(late '98) AS started off as Nick and Ari playing together. I(Nick) had just gotten my first instrument, and had no idea what the hell i was doing. Ari had been playing Guitar for around 4 years by the time he and I got together. We were playing in either of our rooms with our fifteen watt amps, and gradually, we started to try to write our own music. I must say that the first songs we wrote were the most utter garbage, but hey, you have to start somewhere. Later on, after not being able to find a drummer, we finally found a friend who would play drums with us. Jason Dunn, of The Halogens played with us on our first e.p., and our first show. Having to leave for Boston when his real band went, we went in search of a permanent replacement. We found that in Jed, and guess what, i don;t know Jed's last name, oops, anyways, after learning all our songs 45 minutes before a show, he stayed on, and since then, has been great.
    Group Members
    Ari - Guitar, Lead Vocals, 15, has bad taste(in my opinion) in girls.Nick - Bass, Backing Vocals, 15, tried hard to be interesting in our Bio.Jed - Drums, Scary Faces, 16, The only one of us with a steady Girlfriend, bastard.
    Nick plays a Yamaha rb-something our of an Eden 2x10 + Peavey 2x15 from a Genz-Benz.....Ari plays a Peavy Raptor through a Peavy 2x12.....Jed need to get his own set.
    It Was a Mistake e.p. & Songs About Girls For Lonely Punk Rockers Like You and Me e.p.
    Burlington, VT - USA

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