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    Artist description
    Hi, we're the Cracklins. A guitar driven rock band from Atlanta, GA, we find running through our songs threads of influence and inspiration ranging from the fathers of rockandroll of the seventies (such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin) to their new-rock children of the nineties (including Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine). The sounds that come out of our amps occupy a variety of colors and flavors: lite-happy, quiet-sad, loud-angsty - essentially, the delicate craft of songwriting runs head-first into the spirit of punkrock. Take the chance to listen, because we did this for you.Also, while you're at it,if you listen to and like a song or two of ours, be sure to send us some email, so we can figure out who you are and what's wrong with you.
    Music Style
    guitar rock
    Musical Influences
    The Beatles, U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Sonic Youth, Tool, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Rancid, Nirvana, Radiohead
    Similar Artists
    (older)U2, the Pixies, Smashing Pumpkins, Led Zeppelin, Stavesacre.
    Artist History
    Our band formed over spring break of 1996 with big egos and bigger dreams. Since being taken down a bit, we recorded a six song tape in 1997 ('the world as we know it') and a 5 song cd in 1999 ('the cult of the phoenix'), have been crafting our live set, and playing some shows in our area, and becoming increasing cynical. We finished up our third studio effort earlier this year which will soon be circulated under the title "everything will be wonderful". Those songs are at the top our page for you to check out. We have a continually growing list of email addresses of people who are interested in occasionally hearing from us about what's going on with the band, and we hope you're interested enough to want to be a part of it. Just email us at Or, if you have any comments, we'd love to hear from you.
    Group Members
    timbo plays the guitars, curtis sings the words, paul PLAYED the bass but now that position belongs to barry, michael plays the drums
    everything will be wonderful
    Atlanta, GA - USA

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