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    Artist description
    YJC are a Christian Metal band from the Channel Islands. Their musical influences include Linken Park, Korn and Tourniquet. Their band mission is not to be preachy with people or force anything on them, but instead to show that Christianity doesn't have to be boring or watered down, and that it's still very relevant today
    Music Style
    Hard Rock
    Musical Influences
    Linkin Park, Korn, Delirious, Foo Fighters, Grammatrain
    Similar Artists
    Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Delirious, Grammatrain, Papa Roach
    Artist History
    July 1998 - Band Formed as RevelationJanuary 1999 - Name Changed to YJCApril 2001 - First single "Culture Shock" recordedMay 2001 - Single released, and Culture Shock music video recorded
    Group Members
    Marc Le Page - Vocals + rhythm guitarJames Elliott - Lead + rhythm Guitar + backing vocalsRichard Elliott - Keyboards + pianoStephanie Powell - Bass GuitarWayne Mahy - Drums + purcussion
    Lead + Rhythm guitars, bass guitar, keyboard, drums
    Press Reviews
    Review of Free:atthedoor gig 2000 Steve Richer November 26, 2000 It was roughly a year ago that YJC first did a gig at St Peter Port School. It was a very similar arrangement this time in that they provided a middle support slot between two halves of entertainment provided by Rolled Away. And I can firmly say that their 2000 performance was MUCH better.The band started off innovatively by coming out onto the stage one by one, accompanied by James Elliott's solo guitar. They soon launched into the bulk of their set and the differences over last year were soon obvious. For a start, visual presentation was fantastic, with the band choosing to wear all black to match each other, and they generally seemed more lively and happy this time round. The drummer, Wayne Mahy, also gave a great introductory welcome message in his typical style(!). Musically, there was much to please the ear. Influences ranged from quiet bands to, umm... very loud bands. Wayne's drumming is quite clearly influenced by post-avant-garde-neo-classical-punk-fusion-trip-hop-jazz-metal rhythms. His time-keeping was not always perfect, but his energy and technical ability were spot on. Steff Powell, the only female member of the band, provided good support on bass, although there were a few technical difficulties which unfortunately stopped her being heard for some of the set.Richard Elliott also did some great things on keyboards. There was a song near the end where he particularly shone, with an arpeggiated bell part he was playing. I understand he also writes some of the band's lyrics and maintains their website. What a talented guy, and if talent runs in families, then you only need to see his brother to believe it... James Elliott is a tour-de-force of musical expression in the new millennium. His axe-wielding, neck-massaging, fret-fondling guitar histrionics were brilliant. He will go a long way, and the Reef duet with his girlfriend, special guest Fiona, was exquisite and delightful to the ear. Keep going you two. Mark Le Page is a great front man. His stage presence is kind of laid-back in a really cool way. His singing his improved 100% over the last year. Obviously, the vocals are the most important part of a band and his contribution is nothing to be ashamed of at all. Well done.Overall, YJC have improved an awful lot over the last year and I would award them four stars out of a possible five. They are a great band with a good stage presence. They could maybe improve slightly in the areas of overall rhythmical tightness but it is nothing to complain about. The most important thing is to keep God the focus in their individual lives as well as as a band. If they do that, they cannot fail to improve further. I can't wait to see them again in the future.
    Additional Info
    Culture Shock Video/single
    Guernsey, Britain - United Kingdom

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