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    Artist description
    Comando Digital is headquarters for the audio experiments of maga bo. It is the central depository for sounds collected all over the world. It is the main processing and manipulation facility for hitherto disparate bytes of digital audio. It is the informat ion routing point for digital international collaborations.
    Music Style
    Experimental Electronic Groove
    Artist History
    Originally from Seattle, Washington, USA, Maga Bo (Bo Anderson) is a producer, composer, recording engineer, musician and DJ based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After studying ethnomusicology in college, he worked as a recording engineer in various recording studios before eventually founding his own production company and studio, Tongue and Groove Productions. Having lived and travelled extensively in North and South America, Europe, Africa and India, his experiences have helped to shape a characteristic and indentifiable sound. His work is a synthesis of experimental sound design, sampling and electronic music propelled by his sensibility as a percussionist. Reworking and manipulating traditional Brazilian rhythms and instruments, the result is combined with techno production values and an affinity for strange sounds to make for a unique blending of grooves from both sides of the equator. Aside from mixing sound and producing music for documentaries, he regularly DJs at various spots around Rio playing a mix of funk, house, samba, breakbeat and drum ā€˜nā€™ bass.{
    Group Members
    Comando Digital is an entity in flux - constantly adapting and mutating and open to all forms of change.
    all manner of hardware that can be inserted between a microphone and a loudspeaker
    output 061, output 065, i/o, Do Not Spit Here and There; A Noise Primer on the Indian Subcontinent, output 067, Bala Perdida (output 068), Profundo (output 070)
    Additional Info
    Artist by Barbie Danielle De Carlo Hall, others by maga bo.
    Rio De Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

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