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    Artist description
    I used to be in a full band when I was in college. We played quite a few venues doing songs similar to those done by Chick Corea's Electric Band. We broke up after college but I continued to play on my own. I have been playing sax for 16 years. I started off playing Kenny G tunes but soon found those boring.I moved on to other artists such as Dave Koz, Everette Harp, and Eric Marienthal. But when I heard the smooth sounds of Najee and especially George Howard, I knew what style I wanted to play. I loved the feeling and emotion they put into the playing. I really enjoy showing off what the soprano sax can do as opposed to just what I can do. I try to make music that evokes emotion and stirs the soul. I don't want to make music that just shows off my ability. I would rather have someone listen to my music and tell me how it made them feel rather than what they think of me. I don't really care what they think of me, only what my music makes them feel. I am constantly striving to improve my technique so that I can get out the music I have flowing through my head. This is my music. I hope that you can enjoy and appreciate it.
    Music Style
    Smooth Jazz filled with soulful, emotional content.
    Musical Influences
    George Howard, Najee, Miles Davis, Charley Parker, Art Porter
    Similar Artists
    George Howard, Everette Harp, and Boney James
    Artist History
    I started playing saxophone at the age of 9. I saw Kenny G on VH1 playing song bird and fell in love with the saxophone. I played the boring school marching songs and band compositions but I only felt good about playing smooth jazz. I quit band in high school because I felt it was holding me back. I worked on honing my style by immulating other artists I admired. I soon started to build my own style and put my own techniques into my playing. After 16 years of playing many different styles I have finally narrowed it down to the one style I currently play: smooth, soulful jazz. If music can show emotion, I try to display all emotions with my music.
    Group Members
    Mike Miccoli
    Soprano and alto saxophone, Flute, Guitar, keyboards and various synths and effects processors.
    None as of yet.
    Atlanta, GA - USA

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