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Dollar Store

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    Artist description
    A 4 piece band that simply rawks
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    Dollar Store Mary
    Artist History
    Dollar Store MaryNot just something cheap that shows you the way!What is Dollar Store Mary?Dollar Store Mary is a new Saskatchewan based band. Formed in Regina on 01/01/01, DSM is definitely a band both from and for the 21st Century so look out! The music is a refreshing blend of pop, rock and punk with full and rich vocal harmonies. This unique band combines hooky phrasing and deep grooves with rich, velvety vocal harmonies, creating songs that stand out as colorful gems in the otherwise bland genre of popular music.” - Sarah Howard, Circle92 ProductionsHow did this band really happen?FACTOR decided to grant David a small sum of money to record 2 songs in April 2000. Missing his old Vancouver outfit Big Cookie terribly, David was beside himself. He decided to record 2 songs to be directed, produced and arranged by none other than himself. The end result? … Fabulous production, great sounds but it lacked a certain something. Feeling the itch to rock again Taylor has enlisted Todd Bryanton (drums) and Patrick Andrews (bass). While Dollar Store Mary’s sound is very vocal heavy, the band’s core will remain at just 4 people, with a backup vocal section on hand for live performances only. “Dollar Store Mary knows what music is for. Beautiful, perfect melody and harmony that packs a wallop. Clever, soulful lyrics. I defy anyone to listen to this and not turn it up” - Geoff Berner, Singer-SongwriterWho and Why?As a teenager of 15 years, Taylor began to write simple pop songs for the piano. Feeling the need to rock, he purchased an Ibanez “metal” guitar in 1988 and began anew. In 1992, he formed the rock group Big Cookie and bought a Telecaster…a good call! In that outfit, Taylor and his fellow band-mates explored pretty much any musical style you can imagine (including polka). Needless to say, the band confused audiences all over Western Canada for many years. The Cookie released 4 albums and 2 music videos over a 7-year period, toured extensively and had a ball. In 1998, David’s longtime production pal Sal Riley asked him to help him with his new project, Biffy Perdu. David obliged and helped Sal with guitar arrangements for his Industrial/ Folk project. In April 2000 David moved back home to the Prairies (he’s originally from Alberta) and spent his first 8 months in Regina as a solo performer playing around the province with many singer/songwriters. The experience was both uplifting and humbling for him. Taylor learned that nothing appealed to him more than a good song. He realized that, after 15 years his songs were finally there…the voice was there…but…where was the rock??? So, having come full circle, he started Dollar Store Mary this year as a way to play good melodic pop songs…and of course…to rock the world!“Dollar Store Mary blows my mind with its clever vocal arrangements and style freak out extravaganza. They sound like a band twice their size." - Andrew Yates - Web Producer, National Post Online
    Group Members
    Dave Taylor, Pat Andrews, Todd Bryanton, Cody Gamracy. Dollar Store Mary’s Musical BiographiesTodd BryantonTodd Bryanton, Dollar Store Mary drummer has gained valuable experience the past few years as both an audio engineer and musician. He currently works for Talking Dog Studios; a Saskatchewan based audio-post production facility. As a drummer, he recently completed a show with children’s entertainer Bob King at the 2000 Regina Folk Festival. Todd has also contributed his percussion talents to such shows as Sesame Park (CBC), RCMP: 125th Anniversary (CBC documentary), and Without Malice (Minds Eye Pictures). Todd has proudly created his own fair share of noise pollution through his techno-industrial solo project, Sutureself, and a selection from his work was recently used in Murder Seen (Minds Eye/Saban Entertainment). Todd enjoys writing about himself in the 3rd person and hopes someday to move to Hoboken, New Jersey where he can become a professional hotdog vendor.Dave TaylorDavid Taylor, Dollar Store Mary vocal/guitarist was born in raised in Calgary Alberta and to this day proudly wears the flaming “C”. He studied classical piano from the age of six to sixteen. In 1986 David began writing songs on the piano but switched to the electric guitar a few years later in 1988, the same year he began work as a producer/engineer. David moved to Vancouver in 1991. David founded the Vancouver band “Big Cookie” in 1992. The band released 3 full-length albums, 1 EP and 2 music videos in 7 years and toured Western Canada 5 times from 1992 to 2000. In 1995, David founded Red eMusic providing production/engineering and publicity services for music groups in Vancouver. In January 2000, David decided to make a life change and with Life Partner Russ moved to Regina, Saskatchewan in April 2000. In July of 2000 he began work as an audio post production engineer for Regina’s Talking Dog Post and Sound Studios, a position he holds to this day. He also looks great in tights! Patrick AndrewsDollar Store Mary bassist Pat Andrews was born and raised in Saskatoon. He was thrown a cello at the age of 4 and it stuck to him for most of his childhood. After he pulled himself away from the cello and the classical world in his late teens, it was on to the guitar and bass with a brief stint on the saxophone in high school. Pat got every teenager’s wish when his parents ran away from home in Saskatchewan to Las Vegas in the mid 90’s. Pat met Dave and Todd at Talking Dog studios in 2000. Pat has no aspiration to move to Hoboken New Jersey or to were tights (although he looks much better than Dave does!) … he just wants to rock. Cody Gamracy, guitar. Cody began playing guitar in the fall of 1984. He began writing songs shortly after. He began to pursue a degree in electronic engineering. But then he began to notice that he was cutting classes to work on writing and arranging new ideas. In 1992 he dropped out and began a cover band. Playing covers in a top 40 country band began to get on Cody's nerves. In 93 they began playing Cody's original compositions on the side. Things began deteriorating sometime after that. Cody began wandering through the Canadian prairies in search of musicians to form an original band. He began to lose hope. In 1998, Cody began recording original music for the film Sparkle (winner of eight 1998 Saskatchewan showcase awards) in Regina, Saskatchewan. That event began a career in audio engineering. In 2001, Cody began playing live music again. In the winter of that year he began playing with dollar store mary. January 1st, 2002.
    guitars, vocals, bass, drums,
    Regina, Saskatchewan - Canada

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