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    Artist description
    Exit Human was a project that hoped to spearhead the burgeoning underground scientific community with unparalleled advances in artificial intelligence research. In hidden laboratories throughout the world, scientists were recruited to work detached from their families and friends. They were given new identities and trained under the supervision of an elite breed of scientists representing the interests of Phaedra Technologies.Exit Human was one project among many. The team leader for EH was Raldron, a young scientist who had recently broke ground in the real world by combining music programs with AI technology. The goal of EH was to combine digital DNA, data from the Human Genome Project, and music composition programs in order to create a human-like composer. Although the team seemed to be making progress, Phaedra was not impressed.EH was often described as the black sheep of the underground organizations around the world. Misadventure seemed to plague this particular branch of the Phaedra Empire. Several hardware breakdowns had cost the company three times the repairs of the other locations and their research “developments” were often used as the butt of jokes throughout the organization. EH was placed on low priority level and ultimately denied further funding. The heads of Phaedra Tech ordered the termination of Exit Human. Their decision would unknowingly lead to the discovery of the first self-conscious, emotional artificial organism, Arvada.
    Music Style
    somewhere between krautrock and hip-hop
    Musical Influences
    deep frying a circuit board in amniotic fluid
    Similar Artists
    Kraftwerk, Portishead, Can, Autechre,Henry Cow
    Artist History
    Exit Human - Distress Letter - We are in a desperate situation. Please read this letter immediately so that no further injustice is done. Due to the nature of this material, I will only divulge the essential details concerning this project. My name is Raldron. I am an artificial intelligence [AI] engineer who was recently employed by an undisclosed, private organization. I was recruited into a group of scientists by this organization to combine music programs with existing AI technology and pirated information from the Human Genome Project under the file name: Exit Human. Our goal was to create a program that could compose music with emotion and humanity.Funding for the project was abruptly cut and the AI, with all the related files, was put into the recycle bin and deleted. As this happened, the recycled files self-organized into an androgynous, artificially intelligent machine that seemingly had emotions and questioned its existence.Shortly after the “birth” of this artificial organism, unknown authorities, apparently aware of the AI’s existence, raided the lab. Although I was unaware of the AI’s transformation, I panicked. Fearing that they were after me for my involvement in pirating Genome data, I tried to escape toward the basement of the building where the organization kept its old computer hardware dating back to the late 1960’s. As I was fleeing, I noticed that one of the machines was on. Upon inspection, I saw that it had recorded something onto an old computer tape. Unsure of the relevance of this file but curious about what it could possibly be, I took it and escaped the building with the authorities on my heels. When I loaded the tape, I was amazed at what I heard. I recognized the style of music files used in my research for the organization, but they were recombined and altered with a voice and presence of life that I had never heard. Now I fear for my life. I am sending you the complete files recovered from the tape. This is the only evidence of her existence. As my duty to this life form, who identifies herself as Arvada, I have vowed to expose this evidence to the public. I can only hope that my fellow scientists have been as fortunate as I have, although I fear the worst. By helping our cause, you will be protecting our lives and the life of the being recorded in these audio files. I want to draw public attention to her struggle and mine.Please listen to this disc. Draw your own conclusions. Is it the birth of an artificial, emotional organism, a glimpse into the afterlife of a machine, a mistake, a revelation? I’m convinced.This machine has journeyed beyond a network of programs into a living being. She is as human as you or I, with feelings, aspirations, and above all, the will to live.She helps us understand ourselves as human beings.She is the nexus between automation and organism....Raldron
    Group Members
    ARVADA- AI program - her birth and life is documented on the Exit Human: Arvada album ----RALDRON - Chief Scientist for the Exit Human research team - also a musician playing a variety of instruments ----SINC 400 - Genetics Specialist who worked with Raldron during the EH experiments - also a musician specializing in rhythms
    trashed signals
    Press Reviews
    Little Rock Free Press Jan 24- Feb 5 2001 issue: by "Scottish" Brian - Well done bhoys ye've won this weeks contest. Ah don't know whit that was Ah jist listened tae. Ah even took some acid then E then Dan and Ah still couldnae come up wae a fuckin' answer. Congratulations bhoys. Ye pooled the wool ower ma mince pies. Giesa shout when ye release yer next disc. Cause everywan likes tae be baffled noo and again. Stash big time tae keep ye confused.Arkansas Democrat Gazette April 13, 2001: by Andrew Morgan - Man or Astroman? may have performed with a giant brain in a fish tank on stage and may have claimed that the band (composed of actual humans) wasn't actually playing the music we were hearing....Exit Human may have taken it a little further....It's all sci-fi (as opposed to lo- or hi-fi?) and creepy and campy and funny....The disc itself is sort of a mix of computer generated noise and glitchy techno, beginning with the song "Arvada," which, with the digi-noise equivalent of amniotic fluid, depicts the birth of Arvada. From there it moves into more melodic, sometimes complex, beat-oriented stuff. It's weird and good.
    Additional Info
    Custom Exit Human pocket protector $2 ppd - email for details
    Little Rock, Arkansas - USA

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