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    Artist description
    It was meant to be the latest in a long line of metrodroids; those whose existence relies solely on the presence of rhythmic sonar vibrations in the atmosphere. This model was particularly unique, as it was merely a beta release. A promo put out by the manufacturer for test purposes only. Unfortunately for those involved in the transaction, it never arrived at its destination. Communication was lost in transit causing the automated piloting device to fail. Consequently, the vessels course became erratic, veering aimlessly in all directions. Yet somehow it maintained a linear trajectory for weeks at a time. Despite advanced precautionary measures, its creators never again felt its presence. It seemed to have a mind of its own. Could its wild, seemingly random path actually be related to something constant? Something logical? Questions such as these remain without satisfying conclusions. The units tracking device finally deteriorated significantly enough (albeit primitive by their standards) to affect its efficiency.And so the events that followed are, for the most part, undocumented. Without any connection between the tiny craft and its now quite distant place of origin, only speculation can account for the rest of the journey. Only a select few believe the tales, declared by authority to be the ravings of the mad. However, whispered word from the underground holds a different truth...They may never discover the full story behind what really happened during the years after it was lost. And a great many years at that. Once again, a precise amount is out of reach. For if anyone had the ability to salvage the vessels remains, they would surely have stumbled upon the internal chronologs; having crashed somewhere around the hundredth power region.Their loss was far more severe than they will ever know. Given the chance, they would have realized their latest model was far more advanced than any could have anticipated. Its capabilities exceeded their current standard by centuries, in a direction that they may never again have the ability to follow.For us, the truth has a totally different meaning, from an alternate perspective. After drifting the galaxies for eons, the small ship eventually floated down to a small, spherical rock. Almost entirely blue. A magnificent sight which surely would have taken its breath away, if only it had that ability.Thus, with a past enshrouded in mystery, and an equally cloudy future, The Brainchild was born. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but then, tradititional wouldn't really be appropriate.
    Music Style
    Speedy drum 'n' bass with some symphonic elements. Usually upbeat, happy, yet rolling and funky at the same time. The occasional dark eery tune might crawl out of the studio...
    Musical Influences
    The Prodigy, )EIB(, Ram Trilogy, Stakka & Skynet
    Group Members
    Simply the one they call Brainchild
    PIII-800MHz + Soundblaster Live! Value
    Montreal, Quebec - Canada

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