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    Artist description
    Electronic rock with early 90s grunge influences.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Nirvana, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead
    Similar Artists
    Nirvana, Orgy, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins
    Artist History
    Jagged started on April 24, 1997, at around 4:01 pm when Hossein Kia's buddy phoned him up and asked him if he wanted to be in a band. Hossein had no idea how to play an instrument (he was 12), and neither did his friend. But they both thought it was a good idea to start farting out some noise. The farting out noise was nice until his best friend, Krys died in a hit n run accident which changed Hossein's life. He soon started writing serious poetry which would later turn into what is now known as Jagged. Teaching himself how to play the guitar was not an easy task. It required much devotion, and the future singer/songwriter wasn't used to it (like most artists!) Band member after band member, Hossein realized that a group of musicians wasn't what he was looking for (due to the fact that most would not take a musical project seriously). He decided to go completely solo. In the spring of 2000, Hossein recorded his very first demo at CiTR studios at UBC. Being an amateur, he did not realize that a radio studio was different than a recording studio. Anyhow, he recorded 11 songs, and called that recording 'In Memory of Krys'. Time passes by, and as this happens, one matures. This happened to Hossein (no shit!). His poetry showed signs of improvement and so did his music. He decided to go to a real studio this time to record 'Anatomy of Life'. While the last recording was a reminder of early 90s grunge, 'Anatomy of Life' took a different path. Influences included The Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, and NIN. Beginning with the instrumental 'Love' and ending with the other instrumental 'Hate', Hossein explores both sides of life. Not a philosophical nightmare as you might image, rather emtions put into thought. With the new recording (Revenge...), Hossein is going for a much rawer sound. Some Nirvana influences are evident, but it is a very new project. 14 songs will be completed by early April and an album will be released on (Check out 'Soundfiles' for info on Hossein has also started playing live around town (Check out the 'Shows' section). In the very near future, Hossein hopes to become further involved with the music industry, and explore it with hope. Be back for updates!
    Group Members
    Hossein Kia - Everything
    several... A lot of experimentation
    In Memory of Krys (2000), Anatomy of Life (2001), Revenge... (2002)
    Press Reviews
    Coming Soon
    Vancouver, BC - Canada

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