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    Artist description
    Delirio Sonoro is a musical project and more properly a result of the collaboration of different band musicians with different musical experiences and who came from different cities as well.
    Music Style
    Psychedelic rock
    Similar Artists
    Hawkwind, Area, Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, Ozric Tentacles, Scorn.
    Artist History
    Delirio Sonoro was born in 1991, when four musicians, coming from different musical experiences, decided to rearrange some old songs belonging to Saulo Chiaramoni and Daniele Santini's repertory. In addition to the two members mentioned above, the original line-up features also Roberto Cruciani (from Angel's Leap and Fleurs Du Mal) on bass and Alessandro Piscini on guitar. The first recording "Delirio Sonoro", released in 1992, was positively reviewed from many musical magazines. This first work is characterized by a psychedelic sound , but several influences can be heard in it. Most of the lyrics are from the Anglo-Saxon literature (Blake, Wordsworth, E.A. Poe). In 1993 the group became a five-member band with the coming of Marko Resurreccion on guitars, keyboards, noise. Some months later Alessandro Piscini left the band to form another group, but the others decided to go on without replacing him. The second recording "Bottiglie e tempo" was released in June 1996; this work is very different from the first one: a peculiarity of this release is the strive to find new ways in rhythms, lyrics, sounds, and song structures. In 1998 the single "Condizione umana" was published in the Blu Mix label CD "Estromissioni". This CD also features some of the most important bands of the 1998 Rome underground rock scene like Fleurs Du Mal, Cat Fud, Angel's Leap, and Black Dahlia Confession.
    Group Members
    Saulo Chiaramoni: vocals; Paolo Parea: guitars; Roberto Cruciani: bass, sampling Daniele Santini: percussives, electronics.
    Vocals, guitars, bass, syntesizers, drums, percussion, sampling, computer.
    Delirio Sonoro (1992), Bottiglie e tempo (1996), Estromissioni (1998).
    Press Reviews
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    San Benedetto Del Tronto, AP - Italy

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