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    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Battery, KMFDM, God Lives Underwater, NiN, Portishead
    Artist History
    Since the first power switch was thrown to its electronic backbone, Fetisch has forged itself in the dark energy spreading throughout southern California. Songs such as "Slave", "Cut Me Free", and "Nothing Left" draw the listener in with crushing chords entwined with sweeping electronic percussion. The music moves from precise keyboarding to chaotic drumbeats, all balanced to a degree where one comes just short of overpowering the other in a fierce tug of war. Fetisch's diverse vocal talents are on one side deep and agressive, but walking in and out of the spotlight to allow another softer, more angelic voice to take center stage. Their songs are about wretched words, dark and lonely streets, tears and roses, fears and tortures. Classified under names from "Cyber Alternative" to "Death Pop", Fetisch pays little attention to the labels it may recieve. While one can detect a great number of influences in Fetisch's work, (Battery, KMFDM, God Lives Underwater, NiN, Portishead, etc.) the music moves in its own directions, producing a style as individualistic as the musicians that create it. Musical experimentation within the group has been so significant that a growing number of fans primarily interested in different styles find their tastes satisfied here. After the first week of a recent but somewhat unplanned release of several rough tracks over the Internet, an impressive number of comments came from fans normally associated with mainstream artists. Several claimed they were astounded to find such great music from a band whose genre they normally would never listen to. Even in the music's incomplete format, listeners were amazed by the quality and feel of what they were hearing. In that same week, the band recieved praise not only nationally but significant responses were recorded worldwide. Practically every nation in Europe, as well as cities in Japan and Africa immediately declared their admiration of music that had been sitting unheard in a file folder half way across the world less than a week before. Various publication requested more information, and radio stations made inquiries into possible airplay. Two chat rooms dedicated to the band soon crashed from an overload in traffic, and a group known as the "Fetisch Fweek Family" has established themselves as the first official fan club. Whether this is due to the breakdown of boundaries within music as a whole or just the rewards of making great music remains to be seen... we simply believe that everyone needs a Fetisch.
    Group Members
    Angel - Male Vocals ## Rose - Keyboards / Femme vocals ## Gabriel - Guitar / Guitar Synth ## Steve - Bass / BassFX ## Eric - Drums / Digital Percussion ##
    Press Reviews
    Los Angeles, CA - USA

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