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    Artist description
    They call me mista F.A.Y.C.E. which stands for FOR ALL YOU CATS EVERYWHERE, which basically means that what you think about me the first time you hear one of my songs erase it and clear your mind because the next song will be totally different, in style a nd words. The best thing i think about me is that i never come the same way on every track sometimes you dont even know its me on the same song cause i might change up my style on every verse like i did on F.A.Y.C.E.. I once had this girl ask me, " i kno w that your the first guy on this song but who are the guy's on the second and third verse". I could only laugh. The one thing that a lot of people dont realize about me is that im not from NY or CALI , im from NASSAU,BAHAMAS born and raised until i was thirteen years old and i still have my accent. When my mother moved over here to Florida in like 92 or 93 i followed maybe like a year later. I was always in the US though I've been all over the East Coast and Mid West i mean live 6 months at a time in d i fferent places from before i could remember, so when we moved over here for good it wasnt a shock to me or anything it was like i was back at my second home , but NASSAU will always be home though. ››
    Music Style
    Hip Hop / Rap
    Musical Influences
    jay z method man original sin, grand puba , nice and smoothe , gang star big and pac of course but really reggea artist most influence me with the way that i rhyme i think i'm the first reggea artist that only knows how to rhyme and not chat
    Artist History
    The music part of my career started when i was in my 12 grade year of school at ELY HIGH in POMPANO BCH. FLA. I sucked at it no lie. It started with the free style sessions at lunch eveyone standing around ryhming and so i tried it, sucked! The one thing that kept me doing it at the time was my men Dennis, Luis and Steven " Johnny Quest" Torres we would skip class in the back of Ms. Hernandez class. We had a guy that use to beat on the table and we freestyled all hour, i still sucked but Quest & Dennis al ways kept me around. I didnt really get into HipHop for real until one year after i graduated by that time my skill got much better i was always good at writting though, i wrote poetry all the time and HipHop is just an extention to poetry so writting ca m e easy . My man Kaos All Topics (A Force of Nature) brought me into the group now known as ORIGINAL SIN formaly known as DARK STAR PROFESSIONAL which we still go by sometimes. The group consists of six ryhming members who are KAOS (A.F.O.N.), HUGO G, ST RATA FET, JOKER and our producer extrodinair SIR SPARKS aka FATHERTIME. We are from all over STRAT is from CANADA Sparks is from NY ,HU G is from SOUTH AMERICA and KID KAOS is from CHI TOWN. The way i met them was through Kaos he took me to Sparks house on day and Hu G was there we started ryhiming and i had one verse that i wrote like a year before it was the first verse i ever wrote which is now the end to F.A.Y.C.E. they loved it and i was apart of them ever since. You know what they say the last will be first and i was the last so im the first one trying to get into this music world to make history . So now i present to F.A.Y.C.E  i really dont think the world is ready, but here i come anyway.ORIGINAL SIN memorize the name HIPHOP this year done change! ˇ
    Group Members
    Press Reviews
    Checked out your web site and downloaded the songs from Great tracks - especially Fact Still Remains and the title track (which reminds me a bit of Toronto rapper Maestro). Wes Smith - editor of Juice Magazine - Japan ---------- Big Indie - In dependent Music E-zine reviewed Fayce's debut EP CD.
    Tallahassee, FL - USA

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