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Himadri Prasad Ghosh

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    Humble glimpses of Cosmic Consciousness through Entropic Navigation of Soul. by Himadri Ghosh "Sacrifice through knowledge is superior to sacrifices performed with materials," -BHAGAVAD GITA I was born on January 23, 1972 in Canada to my father Hara Prasad Ghosh and my mother Kakoli. It was the first snow fall that my grandmother had ever seen and thus I was named Himadri; derived from ‘Hyma' as in Himalayas. My fathers family was Ghosh from Manicktala a suburb of Calcutta. Family Lineage from Auribindo Ghosh, a forefather of yoga. My mother's family Bose (Basu) came from Ballygange in N. Calcutta. Both of them came to America before I was born. My Father was one of the pioneers of Genetic Engineering. He worked with many noble prize winning teams and forged the foundations of modern Genetics. With noble prize winner Gobind Khorana in one of their Biochemistry labs he discovered the translation codon GUG. This was part of the conception of today's understanding of genetics. Both sides of my family are very large with many brothers and sisters. I have grown up in North America with my Grandparents in Buffalo NY, my Uncle's (Kushal Bose) family in Chicago and my Aunt's family in California. My other uncle, Kallol Basu once lived in Buffallo but has now moved back to Calcutta. Most of my parents brothers and sisters are acedemic scholars in the doctrines of Sciences, Medicine and Chemical Engineering. In retrospect I am glad that any notion of caste hierarchy was not taught to me as I had a very happy childhood where every one enjoyed the same air, water and earth. I grew up with very humble and earnest begginings. Soon after birth I returned to India. I had experienced both sides of the world in my formative years. I became fluent in Bengali and English although my Bengali writting skills were very weak. I returned to Canada's snow and cold soon after with my family and grandmother. My parents gave me so much love. My grandmother Bindubasini Ghosh "Thakuma" spent most of her time teaching me and telling me many stories and Indian fables. All of which had lessons which she would always emphasize to me and make me repeat. There were many fable like tales of animals turning to man and man conquesting demons as well as Traditional Hindu mythological tales like that of Durga, Krishna and Arjuna. My favourites were stories of alligators becoming children and other such tales which I would make my Thakuma repeat over and over again until I fell asleep. I loved being with her and I would make her run around and play with me. She was very wise and age had given her posterity. I was a very happy and hyper child with big brown eyes to receive the world. My other grandparents, "Dhadu and Dhida" spent time with me as I grew older and my Thakuma returned to Manicktala. My happiness came from within and I did not discover suffering untill Christmas morning 1974 after opening my giant stuffed panda bear from Santa a giant rock of an Ice ball came shattering through the window splintering glass allover the Christmas tree and presents. Older teenagers stood past the driveway yelling racial and derogatory slurs until the police came to take them away. I did not understand the existence of sorrow nor its cause. At that age and still today I have no true concept of ceasation of sorrow or the way which leads to the ceasation. I have been a wander among today's Samanas like Siddhartha and I have discovered the true treasures of the poor. I have seen the dynamic world and glimpsed at the wonders of mother nature. I have shared and been victimized. Like Siddhartha in Herman Hesse's novel I have had many Govindas. I have had a few Rhada's for consorts. I have loved, learned and lost. But my happiness and joy always shined through even the darkest clouds from within. From early stages I had a clear understanding that the body would die but I shall move on. "just as I am a soul and have a body, and, in a sense, this body is not different from me, yet I , the real I, in fact, am not the body." I was taught that bhuddi was the main nutrients of my soul. Through "lehkah, porah" and "porah, shonah" I would acquire Bhudi. In 1976 my family moved to Pasadena, California. It was warm and beautiful I loved it there. I spent so much time playing with my friends and being "dooshto" with my mother's brothers' family. I later discovered how much alikeness I have to my uncles', Kalol Basu and Kushal Bose. During the ‘Rose bowl parade" I was so hyper and I felt oneness to the swarms of people. During a Bengali Cultural Arts program was my first taste of talking to and audience. After my mother taught me a poem from noble laureate Rabhindranath Tagore, I got on stage in front of what seemed to be millions but was perhaps thousands and blew into the microphone. I was inertly in my own world as my mother whispered "recite the poem!". I was awed at the attention that I could receive at that moment. I had to blow into the microphone to hear the amplification of the sound and the feedback from the audience. Since then I become exhilarated from performing infront of audiences and talking to a wide audience. I learned that the smallest pebble in still water can create infinite ripples. I also learned from the beach that ripples may often be louder than tidal waves. I did not share the passive schema of "Unfelt, Unheard,Unseen " (John Keats) by my American Friends. They seemed to want to have more toys where I wanted to experience more fun. I lived most of my life talking and sharing with others like Siddhartha. In 1977 my brother Koushik was born to me and it was truly a gift from the Gods. We spent every moment together playing and acting out our vivid imaginations. He was my counterpart. I loved him more than the world. Together we built civilizations, sang songs and went on epic adventures. My first encounter with death came after my first kiss. My friend and I would play star wars soccer unhindered by nothing but dusk. One night his Older Sister came and kissed me because I was "soo cute!" I was embarrassed and I thought that I had a crush (though I wouldn't admit it). His mother was my mother's good friend. The next day they were to go to India with their mother leaving their Father behind. Their plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean near Newfoundland in the largely publicized "Air-India crash. After a year media's search for the "black-box", blame was targeted at Extremist Sikh anti-Hindu terrorists. I have never held animosity towards any religious group and even then I distrusted the sensationalism of media. But eternally I will have a wormhole in my soul which is where I hold my lost friends. Later on in my introspective teenage years I thought that The majority of Western people are uneducated and live superficial lives. This was a clouded judgement which was very misguided. I thought that they were very shallow in scope and could not perceive depth. "To pass judgment hurriedly does not mean that one is a judge. Guarding the Dhamma, guarded by Dhamma: My father always taught me that everyone is born with the same mind but we all choose to use and shape it in different ways. As I grew older with his teachings I realized that it was not that the American mind could not fathom depth of thought it was that they needed linear guidance. Multithreaded information is not easy to grasp for most as is the skill of simultaneous multitasking. I however am still learning to slow my racing thoughts to one stream at a time. Focus is very difficult for me as a trajectory to a certain goal is often so far in the distance that I often tread many smaller trails along my way to the future. Just before grade school I was identified as having above average IQ and was separated from my classmates. Though I played with them at lunch, I always did my own self-paced learning. In the ‘gifted and talented program' I was segregated and felt very isolated from my friends. I was bullied by other kids but my true friends would always stick up for me. I think that I was loved by my peers with the same love that I gave them but certain negative events always taught me lessons. One such lesson which I still have trouble with is Trust. I trust everything and everyone. And then when I am hurt I suffer in silence with mistrust. How does one find the balance between Trust and Doubt? My major influence is Death. I have spent a third of my life intrigued in Death. One never fully heals from the impact of Death. The mechanisms of coping, laughter, hope, love and compassion are facades which are easiest to implement. Surrounded by Death all of my life I truly understood the principle of "Being and Nothingness"(Jean-Paul Sartre). My Thakuma, called me to her bedside one damp sunny hazed morning in Calcutta. "why don't you want to tell me a story?" I asked. "I am sick. Become a doctor and cure me" she said enigmatically. 5 hours later I was paraded through Calcutta to her cremation aside the Ganges River. That moment that I watched my father, the eldest son, hold a flaming torch to melt the flesh of my Thakuma's tranquil face was when my young brown eyes were widest with the orange flickering of fire's dance. I watched as her ashes floated in its lily- wreath clay urn accompanied by floating candles in miniature boats made of banana plant leaves. Her procession into the Mother Ganges was joined by other souls with their flowers and free floating. Slowly she went downstream to join others and then we could see her no more. The temporariness and minuteness of Life was made most apparent to me. It drove me like a whirlwind to pursuit my goals now not later. "The lack of fear of rooted in the concept of ego which in turn is anchored in the dimension of time and future" (Parmjit Singh). Later in life I was uneasily comfortable with the deaths of my grandparents and 3 of my friends. 2 of my friends death although caused by sinfull suicide and altered state I blessed and I am sure that their souls have moved on. My Grandparents contact me in my dreams and in other ways which I have no understanding of but experience. "How do we lament over the fall of man? We were not driven out of Paradise because of it, but because of the Tree of Life that we might not eat of it." (Kafka, Paradise). "Fire, the flame, the day, the bright half of the month and the six months of the sun's northern course- departing by this path the knowers of Brahman attain Brahman." (Bhagavad Gita). In my life I have been to many corners of the Earth; the orient, America, Europe, South America. I have learned many lessons. The positively reinforced experiences have equal importance to the darkest moments. I have learned to live life and experience emotion rather than suppressing. There is no volume of sound which is too loud or too soft. Everything is relevant and yet one individual life is so irrelevant on the cosmic level. We are but grains of sand in a universe. So I let my self go with the entropic forces rather than try to submit myself to resistance. The universe has a consciousness and I am one with it without using state altering substances. Part of a unified field which holds all particles. Harmony comes and goes. Dissonance in one reality may be harmony for other systems. "All the spiritual traditions that find expression in the perennial philosophy agree that the central lesson to be learned from this journey is who you really are." (Chop Wood, Carry Water pg 91)I am just a humble wanderer of the neutrinos, microchips and stars. REFERENCES Fields, Ingrasci et al., Chop Wood, Carry Water. (1984) Penguinputman co. The Dhammapada Swami Vivekananda,Hinduism. Sri Ramakrishna Math. Srimad Bhagavad Gita Hesse, H. Siddhartha (1951) New Directions co. N.Y. Kafka, F. Parables and Paradoxes. (1937) A. Knoph, inc. Sarte, J.P. Being and Nothingness. (1956) Philisophical Library inc. Singh, P. Mind Training, Synthesis between East and West.1999. Thus spake The Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Madras.
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    Artist History
    Himadri Ghosh 575 Langlois Ave. Unit 4. Windsor, Ontario. Canada N9A 2G3 Phone (519) 252-7723 Fax. (519) 252-6009 Mobile: (905) 921-8946 EDUCATION 2001-2003 Master of Business Administration (Co-op), Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON. 1996-2000 Bachelor of Science. Life Science, McMaster University, Hamilton. Ontario. 2001 Winnet/ Cisco CCNA, Network Administrator Certificate. 2001 Sheridan College, Ontario :MS VB Programmer Certificate. 1999 St. John’s Ambulance advanced FIRST AID/ CPR Certificate. WORK EXPERIENCE 2002 Senior Management Resident, Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospital Worked beside Senior Management Team with CEO. Worked on the Ontario Hospital Association health blueprint. Worked on NORTH Telemedicine Network’s DOC-DOC pilot. 10/2001-present Graduate Assistant University of Windsor, Department of Marketing. Marking papers, Exam Invigilation, Office hours for undergraduate students. 1992-1996 CEO, Switch Media/Software Canada, Finance, Marketing and Operations. Project Development and Management. Spring 1996 Project Manager, Special Project Assignment, Teledec International Assistant to Kushal Bose, President. Chicago, IL. .Research, Development and presentation of a MultiMedia facility in Bombay, India. Summer 1988 Research Lab Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, McMaster University, for Dr. Rachuvinski. Media prep, plasmid isolation and experiments. Presented results to research group. COMPUTER SKILLS OS: Windows 95,98,ME,Windows NT, Unix, Mac 0S, Linux, DOS LANGUAGES: Visual Basic 6.0., HTML, SQL, Java, Visual C++ APPLICATIONS: Office 2000, FTP file transfer protocol,TCP/IP,Telnet, pine,VISIO Internet/ web: FrontPage, Dreamweaver,Flash, Adobe Premier, Access, Multimedia: Macromedia Director, Flash,Fireworks,Corel Draw. Database: SAP, Excel, Solver, SPS, Access, ADO, GIS, Oracle, ACCPAC LABORATORY TECHNIQUES Cell Culture, Plasmid isolation, MiniPrep, PCR, SDS Page, Immunoblot, DNA recombination, purification, electrophoresis and chromatography. VOLUNTEER SERVICE 1985-2000 Various Aid H.H.S.C. Hamilton Health Science Corp./ McMaster Hospitals. Geriatric care, Courier, Inpatient care, Pharmacy. 1999-2000 Emergency Ward Aid HHSC Volunteering 100hrs service in, McMaster Hospital. 2000-2001 Emergency Room Assistant, St. Joseph’s Hospital. 1998-1999 Talk-Radio Host McMaster University Radio Station, CFMU. Science/Computers Webcast show featuring McMaster University researchers. 1990-1991 Volunteer Canadian National Institute for the Blind. Inpatient care and activities. GRANTS/ AWARDS 1995 Two New Talent Demo Awards from the Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR) EXTRACIRICULAR / WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT ˇ Designed Hepatitis Website -acclaimed ‘most hit’ by NBC’s search engine. ˇ webpage for Cancer info ˇ Developed Web Front End Protocal for McMaster University's "Learnlink" ˇ Webpage for SIHI: Students International Health Initiative ˇ Freelance Editorial Column for The Sillhouette Newspaper, McMaster University. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ˇ “Amino Acid Assistant” Windows software program for identifying Amino Acid structures. Implementing Intensive ADO/SQL Database operations. [ ˇ “Tree Expert” Windows software to identify trees by analysis of the leaves and properties. [ ˇ “ER POS/Database” Application integrating E.R. with database and accounting. CLUBS/ ASSOCIATIONS ˇ McMaster University Medicine and Health Society, ˇ McMaster University India-Canada Society ˇ Physicians for Global Survival, student moderator. ˇ Raag Mala Classical Indian Music Society, ˇ Students International Health Initiative S.I.H.I. (Webmaster/Executive), ˇ HHSC Volunteer Association TRAVEL U.S.A.,India, Japan, Korea, Jordan, E.Germany, W.Germany, United Kingdom, Scotland, Switzerland, Mexico, Cuba, France, Spain and Canada. REFERENCES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST
    Dundas, ONTARIO - Canada

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