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    Artist description
    Dimension 13 is an Established Industrial/Metal/Techno Band Based out of St.Louis Mo. Members GabrielX, Venus Hollywood, and FRIK, Plan on taking their project all the way to the top. Ready to show the world whats coming Their Music is Dark, Intense, Emotional, Electro-Industrial, With Vocals that stick to your head and Lyrics that make you think. Dark Melodic grooves with an Experimental and Abrasive edge, Heavy guitars and Bass Lines that keep you on your feet and Drum beats that make your heart beat. Amazing keyboard lines and the presence that never lies. Dimension 13 is the Ultimate Industrial Techno Metal band of the 21st century. THE REVOLUTION is about to begin
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    NIN, black sabbath , marilyn manson, type o negative,smashing pumpkins, Pink Floyd, The Doors, SKinny Puppy, The misfits, Black Flag, ALICE COOPER, Velvet Underground
    Similar Artists
    nine inch nails, orgy, marilyn manson, type o negative, ministry
    Artist History
    DIMENSION 13 is an industrial BAND formed out of the ashes of several earlier projects started by Gabriel X. Dimension 13 was formed during the spring of 2000. Combining TECHNO & TRANCE with powerful INDUSTRIAL metal riffs as well as the influences of punk,gothic metal, & psychedelic rock. DIMENSION 13 is one of the most interesting acts in the US. You have to see it and hear it. Their live singles "Godless" and "Let it go" from their self produced demo "THE FALL OF MODERN SOCIETY" (2000)beat out such artists as Dope, Bile and Alice Cooper on the mp3. charts and made it to #9 during the week of Feb.10th,2001" AS well as some number ones too. Dark, mysterious and hypnotic. Dimension 13 captures an ora and a sound unlike any other. Yet they maintain a tight sound which is powerful enough to make them one of the next mainstream success stories. Dimension 13 releasing several albums including "REQUIEM of the ECLIPSE" in Winter 2001, and "The new face of Anarachy" in St louis (2002)and Coming soon (THE FALL of MODERN SOCIETY 2003 ) Dimension 13 On tour constantly; capable of playing both large venues and clubs; look for them in your area soon.
    Group Members
    (Gabriel X) Vocals/keys/programming/DrumMachine (FRIK) Guitars, additional keys (VENUS) bass, bass synth, samples
    Korg Workstation synth, ensoniq ts-12 synth, boss drum machines, Yamaha Dextreme Drum module,ibanez guitars and basses, Gibson Goth series guitars,roland 1680 digital recorder, roland v guitar synth, DOD, Digitech, & Zoom Guitar effects processors,marshall amps, ampeg bass amps and heads,etc. PA systems provided by Peavey Electronics and JBL.
    (2000) The Strange days (2000)THE FALL OF MODERN SOCIETY(demo)) (2001) Requiem of the Eclipse (2001)DIMENSION 13 LIVE in ST LOUIS volume one (2002)THE New face of Anarchy
    Press Reviews
    "Dimension 13 Creeped us out by walking the path of the living dead- Goth industrial Techno freaks with a non human drum beat. There is nothing to my limited knowledge out currently in St.Louis anyway that really can hold a flame to the Freakinstein ways of D13. No really, I have only heard sounds like this out of bands like Type O Neg(vocally), The Cure,M.Manson, NIN, mixed with some of the newer dance trance rave driven madness that stears them. I would like to see more abrupt or unique changes in their songs. To break the mood or to add surprises. These guys are naturals & could easily be a national act tomorrow if the right fire was lit. Catch them now & break out your best death wardrobe... "Original T-Shirts for Original People Extreme TZ the latest on the scene in ST LOUIS" Summer 2001 Article-------------------"WE wanted to create something timeless. Something that had great depth as well as political and spiritual overtones" These are words spoken by the newly formed industrial/goth band Dimension 13, regarding the release of their newest album. "Requiem of the Eclipse" proves to be everything it was hyped up to be, and then some. Not only are the title tracks good such as "Massacre the Guilty" and "The Godless", the intros and fills are just as worthwhile. "When listening to this record I usually get chills", "It goes beyond the standard rock or industrial albums of the 90's. Its very emotional as well as tells a story" From the begining of the Album, opening with the powerful "Path to Dispair" to the very end with the sad and mesmerizing "She walks Away", The new album leads you on a journey unlike any other this year. And whats the secret to this great new sound theyve achieved? Combining Techno/Trance/Industrial/Punk & Gothic Metal, Dimension13 proves to be one of the most interesting acts in this area by far. Providing killer stage show as well. "Requiem" is definatly considered my favorite for 2001 in all genres. -Charleston/Graffiti Local article------------------
    Additional Info
    posters, stickers, shirts now available - For Press materials, free Cds, Special Offers, contests and more: Join the D13 fan club by writing to DIMENSION 13 Fan Club: (main office) 8 olympia fields Winfield WV 25213
    St. Louis, MO - USA

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