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    Artist description
    One of the first wave of 90's sub-phish eclectic jam bands, yeP! was an unusual mix of personalities and styles. Their upbeat brand of genre-hopping had a unique sound and feel, as attested to by thousands of East Coast fans and their consistent Best Seller status on the Home Grown Music Network. Unpredictable but always fun, yeP! performed at hundreds of venues for throusands of people, never dissapointing a crowd. Now the majority of their AKOPOP recording legacy is finally available widely through (in progress).
    Music Style
    Upbeat progressive kitchen-sink jam rock
    Musical Influences
    Genesis, Zappa, Toasters, Beatles, Dead, Led Zeppelin, what do you want to hear?
    Similar Artists
    Phish (slight), Moxy Fruvous, Early genesis, o deliver me from foul pigeonholing.
    Artist History
    yeP! began in 1992 as a four-hour jam session between novice guitarists Jack Carson and Shawn Gundersen. In their five years, they toured the East Coast doing hundreds of shows a year and sold thousands of CDs, entirely without industry support. They continued to draw loyal fans with their distinct and varied personalitites, their dynamic live style and their often irreverent sense of humor. In 1995, AKOPOP records released yeP!'s first studio CD, yeP!onyomous. An ambitious production effort, the album went far beyond the typical first jam-band album. The following tours solidified yeP! as a jam-band staple and established their reputation with fans of live music, particularly those that appreciated the combination of cerebral Phish-stylings with more accessible material. Despite the critical success of yeP!onymous, however, poor management and booking plagued them at every attempt. In early 1997 yeP! released a live double album with many of their un-recorded live favorites. It emphasized the live nature of their music, tracks often stretching upwards of 10 minutes and exploring many unusual directions within a single piece. Also released on AKOPOP, "Bosco's Magic Shop" was an unusually representative example of a band's live presence. It was described by Relix magazine as "A perfect snapshot of the band in action and, in a larger sense, a good representation of the early 90's jam-band scene." Despite the unmastered, raw quality of the collection, the album did well on the circuit, but the sound and attitude still proved unpalatable to the music industry. While still growing in popularity, they began bickering madly over direction and style. Debt-ridden, they parted ways in late 1997. Various members have recorded and performed with several projects in the meantime, (including music for the soundtrack and score of independent film "Groupies" with Ally Sheedy) but nothing as significant as the musical corncopia of yeP! Rumor has it a reunion tour may be in the works.
    Group Members
    John "Lindros" Greene - Keyboards & vocals; Matt "Nabib" "G8RMAN Laurence - Bass, vocals, concertina; Jackson "Jaxxon" Carson - Guitar, sax, pennywhistle, beat box, vocals; Shawn "Billy Bitz Gundersen - Guitar and vocals; Fred "Purple" Hazelton - Drums & Cymbals
    drums, bass, keys, sax, two guitars, many guests
    yeP!onymous, Bosco's Magic Shop, Nitz Bitz
    Press Reviews
    Dozens... see for more information
    Additional Info
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    Gloucester, MA - USA

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