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    Artist description
    By way of introduction - they are The Strange Woods and if you were to call them a folk-music band with a decidedly Celtic flavor - you wouldn't be too far wrong They are a foursome, playing a broad range of folk songs - Irish, Scottish, English, American and original - along with traditional jigs, reels, polkas and hornpipes. At times you may also hear some blues, gypsy melodies and Russian waltzes, songs by Bob Dylan, Donovan, Woody Guthrie, the Beatles, or even older 'goodies.' The band's original pieces, which fit beautifully into this somewhat eclectic concept, are replete with lyrics of love and compassion, or are based on Legendary themes inspiring the heart and imagination. They tastefully strike a fine balance between visionary, musical artistry and a great sense of fun and abandon. The Strange Woods, versatile on a variety of traditional and contemporary instruments, combine strong vocals and finely woven harmonies with smooth stylistic ensemble playing and compelling moments of instrumental virtuosity, to create a sound both pleasurable and exciting.
    Music Style
    Irish, Scottish, English & American Folk, including originals, with a smattering of the Blues, gypsy melodies, & more.
    Musical Influences
    The Chieftains, Steeleye Span, The Bothy Band, Silly Wizard, Loreena McKennit, Enya, Bob Dylan, Donovan, The Beatles, and The Beach Boys to name just a few.
    Artist History
    Jim, Theresa and Pat got this whole musical venture started back around 1975. They pursued their vision, developing their skills through several incarnations and group formations. They watched fellow members come and go - but continued on their road to follow their dream, and welcoming Rachel to the band in 1992. Over the years The Strange Woods have played their way through Irish pubs and the like, coffeehouses, festivals, public and private schools, and community concert-halls all over the western states.
    Group Members
    The band consists of, Theresa Rochelle, their featured vocalist, whose beautiful and multi-faceted voice can really belt it out or lilt with a pure, delicate grace. She plays the pennywhistle in a disarmingly sweet and clear fashion, as well as, recorder, bodhran, conga and doumbek. Her brother, Pat Espinoza, is a superb keyboardist, and a sensitive accompanist on guitar and various percussion instruments. His irrepressible on-stage charm and distinctive singing are a delight, adding a good measure of merriment and laughter to the proceedings. The very talented Rachel Amov, performs on violin and viola, with a mystical-gypsy flair, and, being a classically trained musician (from the age of 3), she's quite accomplished at everything from Mozart to an Irish jig. Jim Hinton, the band's leader, plays brilliantly, with a unique fingerpicking style, on six and twelve-string guitars. He also plays mandocello (an oversized mandolin), harmonica, some keyboard, and his rich, mellow baritone leads many of the group's songs. Jim, who composes most of the band's original music, is also the very witty and bard-like master of ceremonies.
    guitars, mandocello, pennywhistles, recorders, doumbek, bodhran, conga, keyboard and violin
    Transparency, LIVE AT THE CAMELOT, When The Sunlight Was Golden, and The More We Get Together
    Additional Info
    The Strange Woods play the music they love, delivering it straight from the heart.
    San Diego, California - USA

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