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    Artist description
    The Cenobites are a heavy psychobilly band from Rotterdam.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Reverend Horton HEat, Meteors, Demented are Go, Os Catalépticos, Astro-Zombies, Chibuku, Dicemen, Mad Sin, Batmobile, Pitmen, Mad Heads
    Similar Artists
    Reverend Horton HEat, Meteors, Demented are Go, Os Catalépticos, Astro-Zombies, Chibuku, Dicemen, Mad Sin, Batmobile, Pitmen, Mad Heads
    Artist History
    Back in the early part of 1994 the CENOBlTES came together. Consisting of a drummer, a double-bass player and a guitarist/singer the band decided to mix psychobilly with fifties rock'n'roll and so their own typical style was born, called: PRIMITIVE & REVVED UP PSYCHO or in short HORROR ROCK.Their most important influences are SEX, DRUGS, ROCK 'N' ROLL & HORROR MOVIES.The name of the band is taken from Clive Barker's movie "HELLRAISER".Six months later they hit the stage for the first time.Success was soon too follow as well as frustrated bass players.Months later (january '95) the final bass player came in to join the CENOBITES and they were ready TO KICK ASS!!In the past years they hit the (inter)national circuit of BELGlUM, SPAIN (Psycho summer meeting '95), ENGLAND (9th Big Rumble '96 & Bedlam Breakout '97), GERMANY and HOLLAND (a.o. with BATMOBILE, DEMENTED ARE GO, the MILWAUKEE WlLDMEN, LET'S QUIT and EDDY WALLY.The band's live performances were also noticed by certain record companies. Their first release was in november '96 on a sampler brought out by the English label "FURY-NERVOUS" records, which is SOLD OUT. Their second release was on the English label "RAUCOUS RECORDS" (also a sampler) brought out in december '97.After this opportunity a record deal was signed with the German label "TOMBSTONE RECORDS".TOMBSTONE released their first FULL-LENGTH record on VINYL in spring '98.After all this studio work the band decided to become a four men band with a second guitarist, for a more rough & full sound,(which happened in january '98). Beside all this studio crap they will also hit the stage in the next coming months (a.o. ENGLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRlA, SPAIN and of course HOLLAND).After some line up changes, the Cenobites really found their way and started over.Theya re now playing with the most famous psycho bands all over the world.
    Group Members
    Dimitri, Creepy Kiel, Peter, Michel and Jeffrey.
    Guitars, double bass, vox and drums.
    The Cenobites
    Additional Info
    Various demos and samplers.
    Rotterdam - Netherlands

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