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    Artist description
    Definately something you haven't heard before and will blow your head off!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Arabic and Scandinavian traditional music, drum'n'bass, avant garde, mainstream pop
    Similar Artists
    Bel Canto
    Artist History
    pangea: [pan-geeah]: the supercontinent existing prior to the tectonical plates drifted apart creating the earth as we know it today.pangean: [pan-geeahn]: if your heart and soul belong not to one place and to one place only.pangean was formed in liverpool, uk, in 1997 as a project making a soundtrack to a film that does not yet exist. a melting pot of musical backgrounds, pangean rapidly became not a project or experiment, but a natural output for interpersonal response between and beyond cultures and traditions.uninhibited fun and inspiration lets pop mix with chant and drums mix with programmed beats.a pop concept in style, a jazz project in evolution, we pick up new instruments and new faces as they come along on the way. just like the earth evolved, every move and every sound is built on the tension and release between people in the streets, in the pub and in their homes.the first year's work led to the soundcollage 'pull - soundtrack from influenza'(1998), filled with dark alleys of the misunderstandings between people, the paranoid chants of those in the fast lane and the deep erotic sighs of people finally letting go of this world of influenza got into the hands of friends dedicated to music and with the passion for taking it out to the public. knut v at curling legs let it drift by his ears and exposed to the unique sound of pangean, he soon traded it a few seconds for a dial tone to the uk.all since then, the pubterranean album has had its own little destiny where faces and places have been raining on this awkward jigsaw. so from the inside, pangean looks more like a jazz project with an open frame than a rigidly maneuvered pop we are about to introduce you to this world of transparent souls, no-thought and after-thought, we hope you have as much joy as we have had letting everything go."100% emotional bungee jump" was an early lyric and that is just what it has been.
    Group Members
    samira, pal b
    programming, drums, string section and vocals
    pubterranean (2001)
    Osloliverpool - Norway

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