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    Artist description
    Energetic, highly creative and fun group. Their songs cross genres but are tied together by their great vocals.a
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    Steely Dan, Sting, Peter Gabriel
    Artist History
    The project originated out of a regular Wednesday night "jam session" within the notorious "Music Building" in midtown Manhattan. An Irishman, an American and a Cuban-American armed with a set of keyboards, a couple of acoustic guitars, their voices and a broad range of experiences and inspirations from which to draw upon. Dinny Keague, Peter Farrell and Glen Muņoz conducted these sessions with an open mind and the intention of applying no borders or definitions to the music created. All musical style s were "in play" and they would play long into the evening with nothing but inspiration as their guide. After a few of these sessions, all agreed that something unique and special was happening and that this "something special" deserved to be nurtured and cultivated.Since then, Keague Farrell Muņoz has been writing and playing prolifically while enlisting three additional, remarkably talented musicians, who were all drawn to their open, inclusive approach - Tobias Gebb on Drums, Steve Watson on Bass and Matt Sullivan on Guitar and Vocals.With one self-produced album of all-original works under their belts ("Coming Clean" released December, 2000) and two exciting, high-energy line-ups (both as an acoustic trio and an electric 6-piece), their approach is paying off. Word is already spreading in and around New York City regarding the group, both among music fans and their fellow musicians.
    Group Members
    Dinny Keague-guitar, vocalsPeter Farrell-guitar, keys, programming, vocalsGlen Muņoz-guitar, harmonica, vocalsMatt Sullivan-electric guitar, vocalsSteve Watson- bassTobias Gebb-drums, percussionô
    guitars, electirc guitar, bass, drums, keys, 4 vocalists
    Coming Clean
    Press Reviews
    "This talented group's harmonies and unusual combinations of sounds, instruments, production and songwriting techniques keep "Coming Clean" (Album title) sounding fresh from beginning to end...and after repeated listenings too!"... strikes the right balance between art and product & poetry and song, making this one of the nicest CD's I've heard all year."-Staff writer, Musichead Magazine "...they give off a tremendous amount of energy....and let me tell you they rocked the house with a pounding set of original songs. To categorize KFM into any particular style of music is an unfair and unjust thing to do....with influences that include Miles Davis, The Band, The Police, Sade, Pink Floyd, Steely Dan, Yes, Van Morrison, The Beatles and the Stones you can see why .....what is true though, is that they are a very groovy, sexy, soulful, "a humana humana" kind of band that are worth checking out...." -by Kate Garry of 100Home & Away July 16th 2001 issue
    New York City, NY - USA

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