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    Artist description
    Indie rock, alternative, slightly "grungy" or maybe just dirty. Mostly ROCK. ÷iÃ7
    Music Style
    Indie rock
    Musical Influences
    The Who, Pavement, Sonic Youth, Built to Spill, Iron Maiden, Teacozy
    Similar Artists
    The Who, Pavement, Sonic Youth, Built to Spill, Teacozy
    Artist History
    Drive-by Honky is a rock band from Lincoln, Ne. (Mutatis mutandis - the necessary changes have been made). Formed in 1998 by Dan Jenkins, loudly mobile and fluid from 1999-2001. Somewhere in there Mike Keeling (ex-Self Righteous Brothers) started playing bass and the man known only as Trout was added on drums. Perfected in 2002 with the addition of Jon Taylor (ex-Mercy Rule). The third Drive-by Honky release, the “Double Live Platinum†EP is available now. You will love it. Recording for the next full length takes place this fall/winter. Stay tuned..7
    Group Members
    Dan Jenkins (guitar,vocals) - Trout (drums) - Mike Keeling (bass) - Jon Taylor (guitar)d
    drums, bass, 2 guitars (the usual)
    Thrift Americana, God Damn Berlin, Double Live Platinum
    Press Reviews
    Hooray! This bracing blast from the heartland proves there's life in indie-rock yet. Riding atop a sturdy steed of guitar roar and drum thunder, Dan Jenkins' melodies leap tall buildings in a single bound yet never stoop to false heroics,mawkish emotions or cartoonish antics in pursuit of the prize. In short, an honest rock band with two buckets of talent and cool to spare. Though just shy of 36 minutes, Thrift Americana packs more excitement into eight songs than I've heard from some double albums. Grab this one now. --Jim Santo, Demo Universe ---------- Drive-By Honky's sophomore CD, Thrift Americana, opens with a swaggering, irresistible slab of 70s rock anthemia, setting the scene for the series of knowing winks and hardcore c hills up the sp ine to come. "The Ways and Means" is as sturdy and inevitable as the Star Spangled Banner or the Great Wall of China, perfectly self-assured and infused with the gravity and dignity of a great band hitting its awesome stride. ...duct tapin g Husker Du t o Nirvana and strap p ing on something blissful, more playful, mor e altogether personal. ...Think S. Malkmus with less of a chip on his shoulder. ...The blasters on Thrift Americana are so full on, contagious and squirrely (in the best possible way) y ou'd think you were w itnessing the birth of rock stars. -- Öp
    Lincoln, Ne - USA

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