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    Artist description
    Leila is a multi talented, multilingual artist/songwriter that has the capability of reachingmany different cultures and crossing many musical genres. A truly international artist,born in Argentina to Spanish parents she spent her early years growing up in Spain andlater Canada. Leila encompasses Pop, R&B and Latin rythms with "world" undertonesin a style that is smooth, sultry and as warm as it is passionate. Reminiscent of Sade,Toni Braxton and the legendary Karen Carpenter, with the international appeal of Selena,Leila's sound is a seamless combination of familiar undertones while remaining uniqueand fresh leaving you with the notion that there is nothing quite like her! As a prolificwriter signed to BUG MUSIC Leila's songs cover an enourmously deep scope of humanemotions and social issues as part of her profound belief that music should not onlyentertain but enlighten as well. She is currently writing for several film and tvopportunites as well as up and coming artists under negotiations. Her brilliant debut CDis a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts strung together by an addictive beckckoning voice and hypnotic groove!
    Music Style
    A soulful, fusion of Soul, R&B, Latin & Worldbeat rythms
    Musical Influences
    Sade, Chante Moore, Mariah, Karen Carpentar, Alabina
    Similar Artists
    Sade, India Arie, Chante Moore, Selena,
    Artist History
    ARTIST DESCRIPTION (SPANISH) Leila es una multi talentosa y multilingue cantante y escritora que tiene la capacidad de penetrar muchas culturas y cruzar fronteras con su diversificado estilo musical. Una verdadera artista internacional, Leila nacio en Argentina de padres Espanoles y paso sus primeros anos criada en Espana , luego en Canada Y despues en Espana otra vez. Por razones evidentes, Leila empezo a mezclar los sonidos y estilos musicales que tanto la impresionaron, Y el resultado es un estilo Pop con R&B Y ritmos Latinos con una voz suave y seductora que es tan caliente como pasionante. Frequentemente comparada a Sade, Toni Braxton y la legendaria Karen Carpenter con la pasion de Selena, Leila tiene un sonido que es una suave mezcla de estilos familiares pero igualmente unica y original que te deja con la conclusion que no hay nada exactamente como ella! Leila es una autora con tremenda profundidad y sus canciones alcancan una enorme cantidad de emociones y temas sociales que forman parte de su opinion que la musica no solo debe entretener pero comunicar un mensaje y hacer un impacto positivo. Su primer disco es un exito musical unificado por una voz adicta e hipnotizante
    Group Members
    LEILA - Vocals, writer/co-producer, BOBBI "Funkeeboy" TAMMARO - writer/producer, keyboards, MIKE FISHER - Guitar, STEVIE DILLON - Bass, WIL GUADALUPE - percussion, JOSY RIVERA - percussion, JOE ALFANO - drums, LOMON ANDREWS, MARCIA LEWIS, KEITH CROCKETT, STACY PETTA, JANSY SANTIAGO, - Background vocals and special guest apperances by: ROMERO - Flamenco Guitar, KARIMEL - Vocals, guitar
    Leila.....Of Life
    Press Reviews
    Reviews - Inside the mind of the industry!"Leila is a singer that touches the heart with the sound of her voice and has the potentialto be a diva in her own right!" - Stan Scates, Producer/Songwriter, Diana Ross, TevinCampbell,"Clearly an artist ready to be heard!" "I love her voice, her right in your ear vocals, she isreally sensual in a classy way and the subject matter is filled with substance yettantalizing" - Sheldon Reynolds, Producer/Guitarist, Earth Wind & Fire
    Waterbury, CT - USA

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