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    Artist description
    Berkeley/SF Alt/Metal/Blues/Whiner/Grunge Rock guitar duet. MutEx started as Jen and Oz in his apartment, but in 2002 has taken a turn in a new direction: Mutual Exclusion has picked up the services of Jeff Left and Lorrain, for drums and bass. Hoping to soon be a four piece, MutEx is writing and preparing for gigs.
    Music Style
    Guitar-driven Alternative Rock mashed with Metal/Blues/Pop
    Musical Influences
    Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Led Zeppelin, Stone Temple Pilots, Metallica, Cat Stevens, Third Eye Blind, Alice in Chains, Better than Ezra
    Similar Artists
    Pearl Jam blended with Third Eye Blind with a touch of Metallica, in minor.
    Artist History
    Now a three piece (hoping for one more soon), MutEx was formed in late '98/early '99 with Jen and Oz, to avoid doing computer science assignments. Oz and Jen met through the wonderful good graces of IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and succesfully avoided each other for several years until they realized they were going to end up attending the same college (University of California, Berkeley). After having several classes together, they realized that they could tollerate eachother's presence long enough to play some instrument. Jen instructed Oz in some simple guitar chords, and Oz instantly believed he was Kirk Hammet, and ran with that delusion until recently, when he discovered that he was not actually interviewed for the GuitarWorld Sept. 2000 issue. In the mean time, Jen grew to be an accurate rhythm guitarist while Oz stood around playing the Em aeolian mode. Had their first private gig in 2000 as a farewell to a friend, and their last private gig in towards the end of 2000. Still sorta working on a "touring" band. As Jen as moved on, Oz has enlisted the help of a few friends to keep MutEx running strong, with Jeff and Lorrain, producers of The Wish.
    Group Members
    Oz(Lead Guitar, SomeRhythm(tm), OccasionalBass(tm), Vocals, Whining), Lorrain(Bass, Gleefully Accepting Stupid Tunings), Jeff(Drums, Wondering why we have to be in Drop D anyway)
    Oz: PRS Custom 22 (or Gibson Gothic Explorer) through SansAmp GT2 through Fender HotRod Deluxe. Lorrain: Custom Fender Precision bass. Jeff: Ludwig Vistalite set
    Different Like You (Demo, 2001, produced by Greg Dunn). The Wish (Demo, 2002, produced by Jeff Left)
    Press Reviews
    "I'm going to sleep, stop playing already." -Dan Kurtz, roommate. "I swear mutex is the best band ever" -Hans van Dok, IRC junkie. "I like that 'little sister' song... [Down]" -Karen Chuang, ex roommate. "I can't tell what you're saying..." -Veronica Lang, sister. "I couldn't understand a word he said" -Robert A., Uncle.
    Berkeley, California - USA

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