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Exit One

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    Artist description
    Some Skate, Snowboard, Surfing, Nerd Punk Band from Nevada.
    Music Style
    Skate Punk is the best described::::Fast Rock & Roll::::
    Musical Influences
    Buddy Holly, Bad Religion, Nerf Herder, The Ramones, Screeching Weasel, Twotimer, Strung Out, Wax, No Use for a Name, Jimmy Eat World, Counterfit, The Beatles, and The Queers. EOE now also loves Big In Japan!
    Similar Artists
    Nerf Herder, Wax, Screeching Weasel, The Queers and maybe a little Ramones.
    Artist History
    To make a long story short, Waldo and Geoff have been best friends and had played in a local Vegas band AS-IS back in 98/99. That band broke up around April and Waldo and Geoff were on the lookout to start another band. They met Tony in July of 99. Tony, Waldo, and Geoff started jamming together and decided to call their band End Over End. A little while after they brought in a fourth member (Bruno) as a Second Guitarist, and a year of being together, the band broke up. About 5 months later in Dec. of 2000, Tony, Geoff, and Waldo made up and once again were Jamming. Still the three needed a second guitarist, so they picked up a friend of there's named Justin and started Exit One Eighty. The band did well and played many shows and have gotten' air play in some states as California, New Mexico, Ohio, and Texas. Justin decided to leave the band in March of 2001 to start a new life in Reno, NV. Geoff, Tony, and Waldo were back as a three piece band but not for too long finding Darin to play on Second Guitar... or first, it doesn't matter! Darin is rocken' and Exit One Eighty is doing real well... The End
    Group Members
    Andy "Waldo" Holtman, Bass, lead vocals / Tony Robinson, guitar, backing vocals / Darin Cox, guitar, backing vocals / Geoff "Soda" Kreis, Drums
    Bass, Guitar#1, Guitar#2, Drums, some mics,... Oh, and Waldo's mom!
    4 song Demo "Home Naked"
    Press Reviews
    Interview from,a review from Rabbit. Hole. Music
    Additional Info
    Waldo sports glasses and funny pants while Tony has blond hair and likes to drink Budweiser. Geoff hates work and likes to waste his life for mean women, but he's a very good looking young man, and Darin sports Duff shoes on his feet and has a pretty girlfriend.
    Las Vegas, NV - USA

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