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    Artist description
    Four piece band...drums, guitar, keys, and lead vocalist
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Steel Pulse,Aswad,Third World,Lee Parry,Gregory Isaacs
    Similar Artists
    Steel Pulse,Bob Marley
    Artist History
    In 1999 the first tape album entitled "Reggae, Reggae, Reggae" came out. There were nine compositions in it. Two of these compositions "Rastafarian Nights" and "Town" together with the group "S.T.D.K. and one "Rhythm" with Emanio (Jamaica) The musicians of "ReggaeStan" first met in 1990 in the music centre of the Leningrad Rock-Club,which was managed by I.I.Golubyev. I.Golubyev - the founder of the "Rhythm and Energy of Movement " school in Saint-Petersburg, was involved in the problems of developing rhythm through movement. He was the leader of the group which subsequently formed the basis of the group "ReggaeStan." The group dedicates its first album to him. At the start the group's repertoire (the group was called "Street Boys" at that time)included songs of such famous composers of reggae as Bob Marley, Steel Pulse, Alfa Blondie and others.Through the process of musical creation the group was in continual transformation, which allowed the musicians to create their own unique musical colouring. Over several years,musicians from Africa and Jamaica took an active part in the composition of the group, which had a great influence on the rhythm and character of the sound. One of the goals which ReggaeStan has given itself, is the popularisation of Reggae style music in Saint-Petersburg and in Russia. But the activity and philosophy of the group should not be connected with so called rastafarianism which has only African roots. Rhythm, lightness, melody are what ReggaeStan wants to bring to its listeners. The words of the songs - in Russian are on common human themes. The guys from the group S.T.D.K. are great friends of ReggaeStan, and their close cooperation lead to the creation of joint projects, concerts and parties. In the winter of '96,the ReggaeStan guys became acquainted with the rap-group S.T.D.K. and very often arranged joint provocative actions including a joint project in"Incubator" and "Rzhavix provodax" (Rusty pipes).In 1997-98 they gave concerts and gathered where they could but not better than in clubs of the "Korsar", "Tribunal", "Moloko" and "City" type. They finally decided to bring out their album, put on such a small selection over a relatively long period of activity, all the more so that the lion's share of the songs had already been recorded at various times. It was essential to offload the weight of this material of which they had become tired (but not to lose it), and with fresh strength begin to create something new.
    Group Members
    Andrey "Pilorama" Ivanov-Vocals, Dimitri "Mitrich" Zhukov-Keys, Bass Keys, Pavel "Paul" Zelenin-Keys, Konstantine "Koshta" Yestremskii-Guitar
    Guitar,Bass, Keys,Drums
    St Petersburg - Russia

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