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    Artist description
    not easy to pinpoint to one style. there's some metal, some melody, a lot of emotion, and a lot of frantic screaming.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    four hundred years, drowningman, reversal of man, you and i, to dream of autumn, iron maiden, ronnie james dio
    Similar Artists
    four hundred years, drowningman, reversal of man, you and i, to dream of autumn, iron maiden, ronnie james dio
    Artist History
    started in late 2000, by mke oneohfive (ex-murder by proxy) and juustin slave union (ex-sever, ex-dead thirteen),we decided to play a crazy brand of screamo, mixed with whatever else we decided to throw in.We acquired dick from at war with shadows on bass in january of 2001. he left after our first show due to being very busy with AWWS. In August of 2001, we acquired Kevin on bass. Kevin has since left the band and has been replaced by our good friend and metal maven: Ace. Soon after, Dave joined on drums, leaving Juustin to focus solely on vocals. Scott joined in October on guitar, completing the 5 piece power rock machine.
    Group Members
    Mike - guitar, vocals / Juustin - vocals / Madeline Ferguson - inspiration / Ace - bass, vocals / Dave - Drums / Scott - guitar
    drums, bass, guitars, throats
    songs in the key of seizure demo CD-R / 'a long walk with no return' MCD
    Press Reviews
    Cross My Heart With a Knife MADELINE FERGUSON - SONGS IN THE KEY OF SEIZURE Madeline Ferguson hails from Ney York and they are named after somebody... a lady. Im not sure exactly who she is but she is lovely to look at... and she plays bass in the band!! hahah =) 'Songs In the Key of Seizure' contains four songs and it stays low and brooding throughout. The guitar and bass stay slow, churning out calm but uneasy interludes between a blast of screaming and distortion. The first song "deprogramming ray cappo" starts out rocking and is the most agressive song. Shouts are split up between a steady bass line and a touch of placid guitar work settles the end. The next song "drop dead, gorgeous" starts with a shot but quickly falls into a mellow, almost jazz-like flow. It keeps this up and toward the end we get a bit harder with some quick hitting drums and bass. All through the album the songs gradually move along building up and then calming again only to do it again and maybe even again. The softer parts fit with the rest of the music well and dont stand out or feel awkward. The whole cd left me with some feeling. Im not sure what it is. Its relaxing and unsettling at the same time. The band really has their own style here. I cant think of one band to compare them to. The whole "vibe" though I would say is an older one. This would fit in very well with bands of the early and mid 90s and its just really nice to listen to as well. Its a bit depressing though so dont listen to this if youre feelin' like you wanna die. Well, maybe you should listen to it anyways, maybe its a nice cd to die to? Scenester Online MADELINE FERGUSON - SONGS IN THE KEY OF SEIZURE What do you get when you mix emo, hardcore, a healthy dose of metal, Twin Peaks and enough screams to make a virgin on prom night look tame? The answer is Madeline Ferguson. This release is pretty different than most of the stuff I have been hearing in the Albany area. Very few dancey parts or sing-alongs, which is good for the sound they have (it would just sound out of place). Plenty of emo talky parts with light, melodic instrumentals leading into heavy screamy parts. For the most part, these changes are done very well. The recording quality is very good...very tight drum mic-ing and everything is very clear. However, I think the recording would have benefited from a thicker guitar sound. The packaging is pretty typical for a demo release: sleeve with a lyric sheet inserted...everything black and white photocopy quality. I don't think I need to mention my feelings on sleeves any more, but, despite my personal aversion to sleeves, I will agree that it makes more sense to go with cheap presentation for a demo. All in all, I enjoyed this cd and I hope they release more soon...perhaps a full length...I look forward to seeing how this band will progress in the future. HeartattaCk #31 MADELINE FERGUSON - SONGS IN THE KEY OF SEIZURE 4 songs, 13 minutes. This is extremely moody and intricate screamo hc with lots of clearer parts and then total fucked up, but not overly fast emotiveness in between. It still sounds very east coast, very New York, though. It is funny but this sounds different from west coast emo - don't ask me why. It might be the tiny, tiny trace of metal in it. At any rate, I loved the very smart lyrics that are both personal and political. This band needs to go to a decent studio and then I'm sure they will produce a killer record. There is no doubt in my mind that, unless they break up, this band is headed for greatness. Paper Street Music eZine MADELINE FERGUSON - SONGS IN THE KEY OF SEIZURE The first thing I have to say is that the packaging is about as creative as it gets, especially for a CDR. The cover is a piece of paper folded in half and laminated with tin foil around the bottom. The next thing you'll probably notice is the similarity (vocally) to Songs of Zarathusta and musically akin to The Locust. This four song demo shows off a mix of that grind/hardcore and emo (complete with the off-key vocals). The recording is pretty rough, the snare is overpowering, but it gives you a pretty good idea what Madeline Ferguson is all about, especially reading the lyrics to the first track Deprogramming Ray Cappo. Paper Street Music eZine IN SEARCH OF HISTORY/MADELINE FERGUSON - WEALTH AND POVERTY/MORE OF A PISS YELLOW REALLY It's really ashame this is just a split single, a short sample and one song from each band. But In Search of History really impressed me with Wealth and Poverty, mixing hardcore music in the By the Grace of God / New Era Records style with mellow subtle vocals. Really blew me away.Madeline Ferguson start with almost a two minute emo intro, then bring back their more traditional style for their song More of a Piss Yellow, Really. Vocals similar to Songs of Zarathustra and music similar to Evergreen Terrace. Andy Iafrate from In Search of History looks like Jay DiNitto from Life in Your Way, and Mike OhFive is a Transformers head like me. moody and intricate screamo hc with lots of clearer parts and then total fucked up, but not overly fast emotiveness inbetween. It still sounds very east coast, very New York, though. It is funny but this sounds different from west coast emo - don’t ask me why. It might be the tiny, tiny trace of metal in it. At any rate, I loved the very smart lyrics that are both personal and political. This band needs to go to a decent studio and then I’m sure they will produce a killer record. There is no doubt in my mind that, unless they break up, this band is headed for greatness. MH
    Additional Info
    Hi Mom!
    Albany, NY - USA

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