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    Artist description
    Steve is a singer/songwriter and piano player who has been compared to Billy Joel. His outstanding songwriting combined with his top notch piano playing abilities and smooth vocals are something to be heard. If you like simple beautiful melodies with a heartfelt voice than you have come to the right place.
    Music Style
    acoustic pop
    Musical Influences
    Elton John, Billy Joel, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac...
    Similar Artists
    Billy Joel, Elton John, Jim Croce, Dan Fogelberg
    Artist History
    After playing guitar and singing in rock band in the early eighties, I began working as a technician for other bands and ended up touring with many top acts of the late eighties and early nineties such as Poison, Whitesnake, and Metallica. While this was a great chance to learn more about the business and the technical side of music it didn't leave much time for playing. So after that I started to pick up where I left off except I was much more interested in playing piano which I had played before but not alot. I began learning as many Elton John songs as I could although I didn't start writing my own songs until about a year ago. Now I am continuing to write songs and am waiting to see where it leads me.
    Baby Grand Piano
    This Time
    Press Reviews
    Piano music can go two ways. I don't think I need to expound on what these two ways are. Suffice to say that Bruce Hornsby got tinkly and irritating real fast in my humble opinion, and the few guys who have made it work simply have a passion that translates beyond the typical limits of the instrument and format. Steve Rasmussen is a grand balladeer armed with agreat vocal style, beautiful songs and a passion for every word he sings. Having fled the LA music scene(and road crew gigs with the likes of Whitesnake, Metallica and Poison) for rural Montana, he's not cutting into avante garde territory like Tori Amos or Dax, but manages to channel the best elements of legends like Elton John and Billy Joel with a song-style that is not new so much as it is real. This is yet another fine addition to the local Mysty Mountain Records ( that has been a great home for quality local acts (yours truly, included). While Steve's seven-song CD, "This Time", occasionally lapses into a kind of melancholy sameness, it's hard to argue with his conviction and his production on this disk. Songs like "Once in A Lifetime" and "Wherever You Are" could easily find their way onto adult contemporary radio with Steve's strong, confident vocals channeling the spirits of all the great piano-poets, past and present. If you'd like to check out Steve Rasmussen, samples from the album are online at: click on the 'Steve Rasmussen' link tell me this guy couldn't give Elton, Billy or even (eep!) Barry some competition. North Columbia Monthly
    Lakeside, MT - USA

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