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    Artist description
    We're just two guys who love improv jam-sessions. One day we decided to get together, and one of us came up with the idea to record it (pretty sure Alex did). We end up using some riffs from other songs in our music, but change them dramatically or base songs off them. There was a single, free mic in the room used for recording. Anil plays guitar, bass, and drums on various songs (mostly guitar). Alex plays drums and guitar on various songs (mostly drums).
    Music Style
    Rock, Jazz, Jam-band
    Musical Influences
    Tool, The Who, The Dave Matthews Band, Incubus, and Staind
    Similar Artists
    Tool, Incubus, and John Scofield
    Artist History
    In Edison, NJ, Anil got experience with improvisation from being in the jazz band in middle school as a bassist and guitarist, and jamming independently with other students and occasionally even the band teacher. He had been playing guitar since 2nd grade, bass since 7th, and drums since 9th. He then moved to Marlboro Township his freshman year of high school. Alex was in his English class. Through general class discussion, Anil found out Alex played drums and guitar. After being unsatisfied with the turnout of other musicians in the area, Anil decided to talk to Alex one day in the hall. They eventually became good friends and decided to jam. Anil, impressed with Alex's skill at drums (the best drummer he's played with) and his electronic drumset, and Alex, surprised by Anil's playing style and various skills, complimented each other well. They played a few more times afterword and then decided to record an album. They ended up temporarily modifying Anil's low-end set and adding higher quality parts for the recordings and then restoring it to it's crappy state afterword. After equalizing and producing the music (took almost a month for 6 songs), Anil made a text-based website and posted the songs. After a few friends heard the songs and complimented them, they recorded the second session. Anil, wanting to quickly release the new songs, produced them in less than a week.
    Group Members
    Anil Beniwal and Alex Brumel
    Guitar, Bass, Drums
    Morganville, NJ - USA

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