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    Artist description
    Souped-up hypersonic fantabulistic noise. A smorgasbord of obnoxious sonic retardation. A conglomeration of the efforts of Me, Myself, I, and dj gEode. My banus helps occasionally.
    Music Style
    Similar Artists
    Beck, Tori Amos, No Doubt, the Cranberries, The Allman Brothers, The Janitors, Crosby Stills and Nash, Slipknot, Frank Black, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Five O' Clock People
    Artist History
    Born at the age of 3 into a small Nicaraguan family, John learned to make music by beating on the indiginous lizards and small mammals in his jungle-home. At the age of 9, John was sent to the U S of A to learn how to become an upholsterer. Tragically, the magic dolphin John was riding on crashed into a mountainside leaving him crippled from the eyebrows down. He spent many years rehabilitating, and became adept at manipulating objects and devices with his ocular appedages. John was only barely able to pay for boarding at a local comic shop by playing guitar with his eyelashes on the street-corner. Unfortunately, the income was not sufficient enough to uphold his needs. He required a blood transfusion daily, and had to pay off the Mafia to not crush his skull like that much styrofoam. At the age of 12, John was taken off of the street by a kind Kung-Fu master, and brought up as his own son. Despite the fact that his mobility consisted of lying on the ground in whatever position gravity would allow him, in a few short months, John could kill with his facial hair. Fighting the evil Wu-Tang Ninja clan, from the west-side of Japan, John grew famous among many martial arts organizations. He was offered a starring role in the film "The Crippled Masters," but instead turned it down to accept a job as a porn star (for "special interest" films). Since then, he has been experimenting with making funny noises on the computer. Uhh, yeah, that's EXACTLY how I got here.
    Group Members
    Me,Myself,I,My Banus,
    A banus, sousaphone, sticks that I rub together to make fire, a hammer dulcimer, Andy Griffith, I play the Justin, tin cans, spackle buckets, spoons, R2D2 samples
    Press Reviews
    "What are you doing on my computer?" -Josh"Who are you? Get away from me!" -Anonymous Fan"I'd buy this CD if he had one, and it was free" -The Illustrious Banus"Hey, I never said anything for your stupid page" -The Illustrious Katie"This is better than Hootie and the Blowfish!" -Josh"Josh, stop commenting, geesh" -Dj Hoser
    Clarksburg, Maryland - USA

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