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    Artist description
    Taking the best elements of their favorite bands and blending them together, X-34 creates a sound of their own. Within each song you can hear several influences and styles. Most notably, there are guitar solos, something that has been called dead many times over. X-34 is proof the metal is indeed still very alive and kicking and that a good solo will never go away.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Each member has specific influences. But overall, here are a few styles: 80's era Metallica, Thrash Metal, Speed Metal
    Similar Artists
    Soundgarden, Metallica, Down, C.O.C.
    Artist History
    All the boys in X-34 bring with them several years and different band's worth of experience. Shawn and Mick played together in an earlier version of the band called "Gilded Martyr." That band broke up and Shawn began jamming with Scott. They formed a band called "Face34." After a few months, second guitar player, JC was added to the mix. Original bass player, Dave, left the fold in fall of 2001. Needing a replacement, Shawn called up a familiar face, Mick, to join the squad and that is the current lineup.
    Group Members
    Shawn sings and plays guitar. He also has been known to do a solo. Crispen plays guitars and also does a solo every now and again. Mick delivers the low end and sometimes sings backups. Scott bangs on the drums and sometimes sings.
    Shawn plays a Flying V, just like that guy from that one band. JC plays a signature Red guitar that you can't even find online if you tried. Mick plays a black evil bass. All 3 boy wonders use Peavey Amps. Scott beats Pearl drums and Zildjian Cymbals.
    Defaced- coming soon
    Press Reviews
    "This is Udder Madness. HA HA HA HA HA" "smooth and heavy" "pretty good for a bunch of jerks" terra from toledo(haha, what a treat)
    Toledo, Ohio - USA

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