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DFC ( from Brazil )

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    Artist description
    Fast and aggressive hardcore from Brazil with screamed vocals like the old style.Lyrics in Portuguese.Not emo or melodic songs here.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Punk , Hardcore , Crust
    Similar Artists
    Agnostic Front, Excel, D.R.I., Cryptic Slaughter, Varukers, Discharge, Ratos De Porao.
    Artist History
    Since 1993 from Brasilia-Brazil playing ultra-fast hardcore...
    Group Members
    chainsaw guitar, untuned bass, drums and a bleeding throat
    CD/LP-Tchan nan nan nan('94), CD-Igreja Quadrangular do Triangulo Redondo('96), CD-Farofa Kind('98), CD-Sob o Signo de Sata('99), CD/EP-O Massacre da Guitarra Eletrica (´02).
    Press Reviews
    AVERSIONLINE.COM " Fuck yeah! 20 tracks of raging crossover styled hardcore from Brazil! This shit totally rules! It's got a feel reminiscent of mid-period D.R.I. mixed with straight hardcore and a slight dash of metallic heaviness thrown in. The songs are fast, thrashy, and catchy… just awesome. They do take an original spin on it, though. There are some slight hip-hop influences on a few vocal patterns with some groove-laden riffs at times, but don't get worried… they don't take things too far at all. There are definitely solid writing and memorable compositions involved, even if I can't understand the lyrics. I love the shouted Portuguese vocals though. All of the vocals are in Portuguese except for one song, so there are some rad vocal patterns happening. The Portuguese language has a really interesting sound that flows well with such fast arrangements, and these tracks are quick bursts of energy - often less than one minute! The production is pretty tight, too. On rare occasions the vocals are louder than the music and there is a slight change in overall tone, but it never bothers me. Titles like "Franchising" and "Sistema de Protesto" (among others) suggest socio-political lyrical content, but it's also clear that the band has a great sense of humor. The layout includes tons of photos and all of the lyrics as well. This is some of the best hardcore of this nature that I've heard in a long time, though this record is actually from way back in 1996! After getting in contact with the band I get the impression that their current record label is not very supportive, which totally sucks. Bands this good really deserve more worldwide recognition. I'd highly recommend this to fans of the 80's crossover sound, and I'm hoping that I can purchase newer material directly from the band, because they've release a couple of CD's in the interim."
    Additional Info
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    Brasilia, DF - Brazil

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