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the october

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    Music Style
    instrumental rock, experimental
    Musical Influences
    Tortoise, Trans-am, Black Sabbath, Palace, Songs: Ohia, Kiss, Van Halen, Iron Maiden
    Similar Artists
    Trans-am, The Dirty Three, Storm and Stress
    guitar, drums, casiotone, bass, computers, tape, drum machine
    1972, rural/urban, the october complex, auditive alloy operative, asbestos concussion, lateral machines
    Press Reviews
    60bpm Review of Asbestos Concussion by Robbie Schneider Todd came out from the hills for the holiday and gave me a copy of this album. It's turned-out to be one of the rare instances where better technology doesn't seem to have gotten in the way of the creative endeavor. What I mean is that Todd used to work with two-track, reel-to-reels where he'd have to bounce and bounce and bounce the tracks to do multi-track work. Now he's got a Macintosh ProTools system and a new drum machine and it sounds fantastic. It sounds like what he's always done, minus the analog noise, so you can really hear what all is going-on. Hey, I'm for analog and all, but digital, non-linear editing has its benefits, and Todd seems to know what he's doing with them. "marches of several dominions" sounds like a funk/techno/jazz version of Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" though it's a stretch. "vessel upon a rock" is a slow, slow, moody track that remind me of Arab Strap a little bit, though an instrumental version with a little more harmony. "a certain indefinite thing" is my favorite song. It reminds me of an old track of his, it's organic, at least the drum loops are loops of a live set, which is exemplary of the album in that the techniques for each song are varied. Some sound strictly computerized and cut-up while some sound purely live and the rest are a mix.
    Athens, Ohio - USA

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