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    Artist description
    VIBECO's four song demo entitled Get Your Wadsworth gives a good cross-section of what they're capable of. And you'll sure get your Wadsworth, Todd Wadsworth... leading a bunch of Kentucky boys into a diverse and tight wall of sound that will make you want to yell out loud and still be proud to take your mamma to the show. It's hard to pigeon-hole a band that has song titles ranging from REDNECK all the way to Till the End of Time , yet it's easy to tell that this band is capable of spanning the gamut from good ol' ass kickin rock to serious and thoughtful ballads. Entertainment.
    Music Style
    Hard Edge Southern Rock
    Artist History
    Born somewhere between Henry County and Madison County in Kentucky comes a full flavored southern-fried rock band born in the name of rock-n-roll. Nobody could have guessed the lineup that would eventually be VIBECO. Buck Reynolds (bass) and Michael 'Joyce' Joyner (drums/percussion) have known each other since high school when they started a band to try to jump on the local scene. The newest addition to VIBECO is Rich Makkay (rhythm guitar) who has been a tight friend to both Buck and Joyce for damn near ten years. Over the years these three have been in several area bands, sometimes together. In a roundabout way, this trio came into the company of one Michael-Todd Bishop from the now defunct L.A. based band Swamp Boogie Queen. Bishop had already stumbled on (or maybe he GOT stumbled on!) a lead singer from Henry County, KY by the name of Todd Wadsworth, who is no newcomer to the sport either with one album under his belt already. Before long the tunes just started pouring out. The unique style of Wadsworth's vocals, the honed slide guitar work from Bishop, and the rhythm section that has been doing it together for ten years previous make VIBECO a must listen... and see.
    Group Members
    Todd Wadsworth - Lead VocalM. Todd Bishop - Lead GuitarRich Makkay - GuitarMichael "Joyce" Joyner - Drums, vocalsBuck Reynolds - Bass, vocals
    Get Your Wadsworth
    Lexington, Kentucky - USA

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