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    Artist description
    MentalBreakdown is a musical project created by Paul Cortez (Visitor)and Ed Anthonis which seeks to break all conventions of popular music. We make music for Art's sake without the confines of an ever growing rigid Pop-culture which stifles musical experimentation and creativity. All the initial MentalBreakdown music is created and Recorded live and unedited on the first-take unless otherwise mentioned. We are not out to seek money; however if you do support the band and it's aims, please write us via email, send us music of your own, or listen to the new releases. Recent projects involve film scores and game orientated music... Under a production company called the Digital Media Foundry... email for more info.
    Music Style
    Mixture of Rock, Electronic, Jazz, and Ambient tones
    Musical Influences
    King Crimson, Hawkwind, Bjork, Miles Davis
    Similar Artists
    Like nothing you have heard hopefully.
    Artist History
    MentalBreakdown was created in the Fall of 2000. It started when two friends, Ed Anthonis and Paul Cortez got together one day and started improvising on a Fatar and an Alesis sound mod. What they created that night was just a taste of the new music that mentalbreakdown is attempting to achieve. Most of the initial songs were improvisations with themes created after the songs were finished. "It's very simple really," says co-founder Paul Cortez, "We created music in the moment of inspiration, which took us on a spiritual and mental journey, then we made our own stories to the songs and tacked on a title, and sub-titles to explain the different stations of the song. Since that night Mental Breakdown has sought to expand it's directions without fear of ridicule or acceptance. "We can only create what we are feeling in the moment of creation, it's not up to us to judge. Some will love it, and some will not understand it, but we as artists must always create." -pc
    Group Members
    Ed Anthonis and Paul Cortez: Visitor//
    Synthesizer, Guitar, Vocals
    Fire, Light, Sound and Breakdown; I'm not from Here; Voice of the Visitor; Soundtrack, SpaceJazz, Passport to Hell, Angery Voices, Tales from a Spiders Garden, as well as many projects on the way.and more
    Boston, Massachusetts - USA

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