Artist description
-BAy ARea ENTERTAInment PREsents- L E e A h- TOMORRows R&b & HIp Hop - |
Music Style
TOMORRows - RYThm -&- BLUes |
Musical Influences
MARiah C. - WHITney H. - CHRIStina A. - - CLASsic BLUes & JAzz |
Similar Artists
-UNCOMPARaible- |
Artist History
FRom A youNG AGe LEEah WAs AROund SINging- HEr FAther- WHo HAd A MINor CAReer In SINging - Was LEEahs Idol- A s SHe CLEArly RECalls GAThered aT FAMily FUNctions- STAnding aroUND SINging- WITh FRIends ANd RELitaves- LEEah hAS ALLways HAd A GREat LOVe ANd APPREciation For MUSic- FRom STAnding In THe MIRror At HOme- To HOLding THe MIc At SCHool TALent SHows- LEEahs HARd WOrk ANd EFFOrt Has LANded Her-
An ARTist Spot- With THe BAy-AREas OWn… INDEPendent ENTERTainment LABle-
-BAy-ARea ENTERTAinment-
As THe SMOke CLEars… GEt REAdy FOr LEEahs FIRst EVEr Cd SINgle RELEase…
“LISten” -featURING- youNGMIND
COMming AUGust - 2 0 0 1
2 0 0 1 - youNG MINd & LEEah – eneRGY / EFFIciency
“ POEtry / RAp SLAm conTEST “
2Nd PLAce / contESTANTS
PRESented By:
K M e l & thE mayOR - s.F. mayORS offICE
Group Members
L E e a h |
- COMMing 2 0 0 2 - |
Press Reviews
” L i S t E n “ R e M i X -F e A t U r I n G- y O u N g M I N d
"SHe Has THe RIGht LOok, ANd ADDItude... ANd The VOice Of An ANGle"
B-A-E 2 0 0 1
Additional Info
LOok oUT FOr LEeahs viDEO "LISten REmix" FEATUring younGMIND - avaIBLE onLY oN Cd roM / P.c / MAc |
San Francisco, Ca - USA |
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